/* ESP8266 environmental sensor project This header provides the necessary credentials for the esp_sensor_firmware.ino file. Before compilation, add your credentials and remove the .example postfix from the filename. * ** WARNING ** DO NOT COMMIT YOUR configuration.h FILE CONTAINING YOUR ACTUAL CREDENTIALS. (C) 2019 Macrocell - Environmental sensing solutions proudly presented by Macrocell - FPGA Innovators */ #define sensor_id "YOUR_SENSOR_ID" #define wifi_ssid "YOUR_SSID" #define wifi_password "YOUR_WIFI_PW" #define mqtt_server "192.168.x.x" #define mqtt_port 1883 #define mqtt_user "YOUR_MQTT_USER" #define mqtt_password "YOUR_MQTT_PW" #define mqtt_client "ESP8266Client." sensor_id #define OPERATION_BLINK_EN true // blink continuously if in correct operation #define OPERATION_PERIOD 5000 // sensor reading period in milliseconds #define FORCE_PERIOD 12 // sensor reading publication force period in number of readings without publication #define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 115200