#!/bin/bash source shared.sh ML=$(( (110-$LL) / 2)) MT=$(( (64 - $PL) / 2 )) echo "Margin left: $ML" echo "Margin top : $MT" echo "Page width : $LL" echo "Page length: $PL" if [ $MT -gt 127 ]; then echo "Margin top > 127 not supported because I am lazy. Is $MT." exit fi MT=$(( $MT + 128 )) # Set "move by n line bit" #exit echo -ne $(printf "\\\\x%02x\\\\x%02x" 224 $ML) > /dev/lw35 MR=$((ML + $LL + 2)); # Plus 2 because bug in FW in conjunction with manual newlines echo -ne $(printf "\\\\x%02x\\\\x%02x" 225 $MR) > /dev/lw35 for file in ./out/out*; do foo="" while [ true ]; do echo "Insert a piece of paper and press enter. When you're done, enter y." read foo if [ "$foo" == "y" ]; then break; fi echo -ne "\xE3\x8C" > /dev/lw35 # Draw in until at top of paper echo -ne $(printf "\\\\x%02x\\\\x%02x" 0xE3 $MT) > /dev/lw35 # Move over margin top done echo "Printing part $file..." cat $file > /dev/lw35 echo "Part done." done echo "Done."