% Sort using emacs: % http://rtime.felk.cvut.cz/~sojka/blog/sorting-latex-acronyms-in-emacs/ %I press C-up to go to \begin{ and then left. This moves me at the end of the % elisp expression. % Press C-x C-e (eval-last-sexp) and the list is sorted! \chapter*{List of Abbreviations} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations} % Sort acronyms: (let ((sort-fold-case t)) (sort-regexp-fields nil "^[[:space:]]*\\\\acro\{\\([^}]*\\)\}.*$" "\\1" (point-min) (point-max))) \begin{acronym}[TDMA] \acro{dtr} [DTR] {data terminal ready} \acro{fpga} [FPGA] {field-programmable gate array} \acro{io} [I/O] {input / output} \acro{jtag} [JTAG] {Joint Test Action Group} \acro{led} [LED] {light emitting diode} \acro{ldo} [LDO] {low-dropout regulator} \acro{rx} [RX] {receive} \acro{tx} [TX] {transmit} \acro{uart} [UART] {universal asynchronous receiver / transmitter} \acro{usb} [USB] {universal serial bus} \end{acronym}