2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew 5.1.2)
(thickness 1.6)
(drawings 4)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(tracks 229)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(zones 0)
(modules 71)
(nets 111)
(page A4)
(0 F.Cu signal)
(31 B.Cu signal)
(32 B.Adhes user)
(33 F.Adhes user)
(34 B.Paste user)
(35 F.Paste user)
(36 B.SilkS user)
(37 F.SilkS user)
(38 B.Mask user)
(39 F.Mask user)
(40 Dwgs.User user)
(41 Cmts.User user)
(42 Eco1.User user)
(43 Eco2.User user)
(44 Edge.Cuts user)
(45 Margin user)
(46 B.CrtYd user)
(47 F.CrtYd user)
(48 B.Fab user hide)
(49 F.Fab user)
(last_trace_width 0.1524)
(trace_clearance 0.1524)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_45_only no)
(trace_min 0.1524)
(via_size 0.6)
(via_drill 0.3)
(via_min_size 0.4)
(via_min_drill 0.3)
(uvia_size 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(uvias_allowed no)
(uvia_min_size 0.2)
(uvia_min_drill 0.1)
(edge_width 0.05)
(segment_width 0.2)
(pcb_text_width 0.3)
(pcb_text_size 1.5 1.5)
(mod_edge_width 0.12)
(mod_text_size 1 1)
(mod_text_width 0.15)
(pad_size 1.524 1.524)
(pad_drill 0.762)
(pad_to_mask_clearance 0.051)
(solder_mask_min_width 0.25)
(aux_axis_origin 0 0)
(visible_elements FFFFFF7F)
(layerselection 0x010fc_ffffffff)
(usegerberextensions false)
(usegerberattributes false)
(usegerberadvancedattributes false)
(creategerberjobfile false)
(excludeedgelayer true)
(linewidth 0.100000)
(plotframeref false)
(viasonmask false)
(mode 1)
(useauxorigin false)
(hpglpennumber 1)
(hpglpenspeed 20)
(hpglpendiameter 15.000000)
(psnegative false)
(psa4output false)
(plotreference true)
(plotvalue true)
(plotinvisibletext false)
(padsonsilk false)
(subtractmaskfromsilk false)
(outputformat 1)
(mirror false)
(drillshape 1)
(scaleselection 1)
(outputdirectory ""))
(net 0 "")
(net 1 GND)
(net 2 VCC)
(net 3 "Net-(D1-Pad2)")
(net 4 /LogicBlock/cfg29)
(net 5 "Net-(D2-Pad2)")
(net 6 "Net-(D3-Pad2)")
(net 7 "Net-(D4-Pad2)")
(net 8 "Net-(D5-Pad2)")
(net 9 "Net-(D6-Pad1)")
(net 10 "Net-(D6-Pad2)")
(net 11 "Net-(D7-Pad1)")
(net 12 "Net-(D7-Pad2)")
(net 13 "Net-(D8-Pad2)")
(net 14 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_in3_n)
(net 15 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_b_en_n)
(net 16 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_a_en_n)
(net 17 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_a)
(net 18 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b)
(net 20 /fabric_t3)
(net 21 /fabric_t2)
(net 22 /fabric_t1)
(net 23 /fabric_t0)
(net 24 "Net-(J1-Pad8)")
(net 25 "Net-(J1-Pad7)")
(net 26 /LogicBlock/isp_mosi)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck)
(net 28 /LogicBlock/rst_n)
(net 29 /LogicBlock/clk)
(net 30 "Net-(J2-Pad7)")
(net 31 "Net-(J2-Pad8)")
(net 32 /fabric_l0)
(net 33 /fabric_l1)
(net 34 /fabric_l2)
(net 35 /fabric_l3)
(net 36 /LogicBlock/isp_miso)
(net 37 "Net-(J3-Pad8)")
(net 38 /fabric_b2)
(net 39 /fabric_b1)
(net 40 /fabric_b0)
(net 41 "Net-(J4-Pad8)")
(net 42 "Net-(R2-Pad2)")
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async)
(net 47 "Net-(R8-Pad2)")
(net 48 /LogicBlock/cfg28)
(net 49 /LogicBlock/cfg31)
(net 50 /LogicBlock/cfg0)
(net 51 /LogicBlock/cfg1)
(net 52 /LogicBlock/cfg2)
(net 53 /LogicBlock/cfg3)
(net 54 /LogicBlock/cfg4)
(net 55 /LogicBlock/cfg5)
(net 56 /LogicBlock/cfg6)
(net 57 /LogicBlock/cfg7)
(net 58 /LogicBlock/cfg15)
(net 59 /LogicBlock/cfg16)
(net 60 /LogicBlock/cfg17)
(net 61 /LogicBlock/cfg18)
(net 62 /LogicBlock/cfg19)
(net 63 /LogicBlock/cfg20)
(net 64 /LogicBlock/cfg21)
(net 65 /LogicBlock/cfg22)
(net 66 /LogicBlock/cfg23)
(net 67 /LogicBlock/cfg14)
(net 68 /LogicBlock/cfg13)
(net 69 /LogicBlock/cfg12)
(net 70 /LogicBlock/cfg11)
(net 71 /LogicBlock/cfg10)
(net 72 /LogicBlock/cfg9)
(net 73 /LogicBlock/cfg8)
(net 74 /LogicBlock/cfg30)
(net 75 /LogicBlock/cfg27)
(net 76 /LogicBlock/cfg26)
(net 77 /LogicBlock/cfg25)
(net 78 /LogicBlock/cfg24)
(net 79 /LogicBlock/lut_in0)
(net 80 /LogicBlock/lut_in2)
(net 81 /LogicBlock/lut_in1)
(net 82 /LogicBlock/lut_in3)
(net 83 "Net-(U13-Pad13)")
(net 84 "Net-(U13-Pad12)")
(net 85 "Net-(U13-Pad11)")
(net 86 "Net-(U13-Pad10)")
(net 87 "Net-(U13-Pad6)")
(net 88 "Net-(U13-Pad5)")
(net 89 "Net-(U13-Pad4)")
(net 90 "Net-(U13-Pad3)")
(net 91 "Net-(U14-Pad6)")
(net 92 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_a)
(net 93 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_c)
(net 94 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_b)
(net 95 "Net-(U16-Pad15)")
(net 96 "Net-(U16-Pad12)")
(net 97 "Net-(U16-Pad10)")
(net 98 "Net-(U17-Pad3)")
(net 99 "Net-(U17-Pad4)")
(net 100 "Net-(U17-Pad5)")
(net 101 "Net-(U17-Pad6)")
(net 102 "Net-(U17-Pad10)")
(net 103 "Net-(U17-Pad11)")
(net 104 "Net-(U17-Pad12)")
(net 105 "Net-(U18-Pad6)")
(net 106 "Net-(D8-Pad1)")
(net 107 "Net-(D9-Pad2)")
(net 108 "Net-(R3-Pad2)")
(net 109 "Net-(R9-Pad2)")
(net 110 /fabric_b3)
(net_class Default "This is the default net class."
(clearance 0.1524)
(trace_width 0.1524)
(via_dia 0.6)
(via_drill 0.3)
(uvia_dia 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_a)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_a_en_n)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_b_en_n)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_in3_n)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_a)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_b)
(add_net /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_c)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg0)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg1)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg10)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg11)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg12)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg13)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg14)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg15)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg16)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg17)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg18)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg19)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg2)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg20)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg21)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg22)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg23)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg24)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg25)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg26)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg27)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg28)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg29)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg3)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg30)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg31)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg4)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg5)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg6)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg7)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg8)
(add_net /LogicBlock/cfg9)
(add_net /LogicBlock/clk)
(add_net /LogicBlock/isp_miso)
(add_net /LogicBlock/isp_mosi)
(add_net /LogicBlock/isp_sck)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_in0)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_in1)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_in2)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_in3)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_out_a)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_out_b)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async)
(add_net /LogicBlock/lut_out_c)
(add_net /LogicBlock/rst_n)
(add_net /fabric_b0)
(add_net /fabric_b1)
(add_net /fabric_b2)
(add_net /fabric_b3)
(add_net /fabric_l0)
(add_net /fabric_l1)
(add_net /fabric_l2)
(add_net /fabric_l3)
(add_net /fabric_t0)
(add_net /fabric_t1)
(add_net /fabric_t2)
(add_net /fabric_t3)
(add_net GND)
(add_net "Net-(D1-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D3-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D4-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D5-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D6-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(D6-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D7-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(D7-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D8-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(D8-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D9-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(J1-Pad7)")
(add_net "Net-(J1-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(J2-Pad7)")
(add_net "Net-(J2-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(J3-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(J4-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(R2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(R3-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(R8-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(R9-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad10)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad11)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad12)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad13)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad4)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad5)")
(add_net "Net-(U13-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(U14-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(U16-Pad10)")
(add_net "Net-(U16-Pad12)")
(add_net "Net-(U16-Pad15)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad10)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad11)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad12)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad4)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad5)")
(add_net "Net-(U17-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(U18-Pad6)")
(add_net VCC)
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF7D198)
(at 98.995 61.595)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5DDDB233)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U8 (at 0 -5.9) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74251 (at 0 5.9) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -3.45 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 -3.975) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.975) (end -0.975 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 /fabric_l2))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 35 /fabric_l3))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 32 /fabric_l0))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 79 /LogicBlock/lut_in0))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 9 "Net-(D6-Pad1)"))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 61 /LogicBlock/cfg18))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 60 /LogicBlock/cfg17))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 59 /LogicBlock/cfg16))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 23 /fabric_t0))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 33 /fabric_l1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C299)
(at 52.776001 151.830001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D1457D8)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C2 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C2AA)
(at 52.776001 156.850001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D14873A)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C3 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C2BB)
(at 52.386001 159.730001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D148C32)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C4 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C2CC)
(at 52.196001 164.750001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D1490B6)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C5 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C2DD)
(at 52.396001 162.240001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D25277D)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C6 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C2EE)
(at 52.586001 178.780001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D252787)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C7 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C2FF)
(at 52.776001 149.320001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D252791)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C8 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C310)
(at 52.8575 168.420001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D25279B)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C9 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C321)
(at 52.866001 171.010001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D28B2CB)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C10 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C332)
(at 52.866001 173.520001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D28B2D5)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C11 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C343)
(at 52.626001 176.190001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E74B4E0)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C12 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C354)
(at 52.776001 154.340001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E74B4EA)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C13 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C365)
(at 56.116001 184.260001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D182B36)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C14 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C376)
(at 48.096001 184.340001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D2FCFE7)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C15 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C387)
(at 52.106001 184.340001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D2EACB1)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C16 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C398)
(at 44.086001 186.850001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D2EACB7)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C17 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C3A9)
(at 48.096001 186.850001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D2EACBD)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C18 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C3BA)
(at 52.106001 186.850001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D2EACC3)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C19 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C3CB)
(at 52.186001 181.750001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D2FCD73)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C20 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100n (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C3DE)
(at 177.0125 190.5)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34E8)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D2 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value A (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 5 "Net-(D2-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 /LogicBlock/cfg29))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C3F1)
(at 177.0125 193.04)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34EE)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D3 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value C (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 /LogicBlock/cfg29))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 6 "Net-(D3-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C404)
(at 177.0125 195.58)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34F4)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D4 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value B (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 7 "Net-(D4-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 /LogicBlock/cfg29))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C417)
(at 177.0125 198.12)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34FA)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D5 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value b (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 /LogicBlock/cfg29))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 8 "Net-(D5-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C42A)
(at 91.9225 106.68)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E3D1F59)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D6 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 0 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 10 "Net-(D6-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 9 "Net-(D6-Pad1)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C43D)
(at 91.9225 109.22)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E44A4C7)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D7 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 2 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 11 "Net-(D7-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 12 "Net-(D7-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C450)
(at 91.9225 111.76)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E49C4FE)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D8 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 1 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 106 "Net-(D8-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 13 "Net-(D8-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C463)
(at 91.9225 114.3)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E49C517)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D9 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 3 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 107 "Net-(D9-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 14 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_in3_n))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Diode_SMD:D_0603_1608Metric (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF54C28)
(at 290.83 160.02 90)
(descr "Diode SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D544D70)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D10 (at 0 1.43 90) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value D_Schottky (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.5 0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 0.4) (end -0.8 0.1) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.1) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end 0.8 -0.735) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0 90) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0 90) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 14 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_in3_n))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0 90) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 15 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_b_en_n))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diode_SMD.3dshapes/D_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Diode_SMD:D_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C489)
(at 273.5325 160.02)
(descr "Diode SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D50C782)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D11 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value D_Schottky (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 82 /LogicBlock/lut_in3))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 16 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_a_en_n))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diode_SMD.3dshapes/D_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Diode_SMD:D_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C49C)
(at 321.666001 155.470001)
(descr "Diode SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D7F6986)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D12 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value D_Schottky (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 17 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_a))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diode_SMD.3dshapes/D_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Diode_SMD:D_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF2C4AF)
(at 317.0175 152.4)
(descr "Diode SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D7F6FF8)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D13 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value D_Schottky (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diode_SMD.3dshapes/D_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A19A41E) (tstamp 5CF37D30)
(at 209.55 53.34)
(descr "Through hole angled socket strip, 1x12, 2.54mm pitch, 8.51mm socket length, single row (from Kicad 4.0.7), script generated")
(tags "Through hole angled socket strip THT 1x12 2.54mm single row")
(path /5FE88CA2)
(fp_text reference J2 (at -4.38 -2.77) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Left (at -4.38 30.71) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -10.03 -1.27) (end -2.49 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -2.49 -1.27) (end -1.52 -0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 -0.3) (end -1.52 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 29.21) (end -10.03 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -10.03 29.21) (end -10.03 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -0.3) (end -1.52 -0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 0.3) (end 0 0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 0.3) (end 0 -0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 2.24) (end -1.52 2.24) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 2.84) (end 0 2.84) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 2.84) (end 0 2.24) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 4.78) (end -1.52 4.78) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 5.38) (end 0 5.38) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 5.38) (end 0 4.78) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 7.32) (end -1.52 7.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 7.92) (end 0 7.92) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 7.92) (end 0 7.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 9.86) (end -1.52 9.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 10.46) (end 0 10.46) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 10.46) (end 0 9.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 12.4) (end -1.52 12.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 13) (end 0 13) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 13) (end 0 12.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 14.94) (end -1.52 14.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 15.54) (end 0 15.54) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 15.54) (end 0 14.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 17.48) (end -1.52 17.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 18.08) (end 0 18.08) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 18.08) (end 0 17.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 20.02) (end -1.52 20.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 20.62) (end 0 20.62) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 20.62) (end 0 20.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 22.56) (end -1.52 22.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 23.16) (end 0 23.16) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 23.16) (end 0 22.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 25.1) (end -1.52 25.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 25.7) (end 0 25.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 25.7) (end 0 25.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 27.64) (end -1.52 27.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 28.24) (end 0 28.24) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 28.24) (end 0 27.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.21) (end -1.46 -1.21) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.091905) (end -1.46 -1.091905) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.97381) (end -1.46 -0.97381) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.855715) (end -1.46 -0.855715) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.73762) (end -1.46 -0.73762) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.619525) (end -1.46 -0.619525) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.50143) (end -1.46 -0.50143) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.383335) (end -1.46 -0.383335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.26524) (end -1.46 -0.26524) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.147145) (end -1.46 -0.147145) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.02905) (end -1.46 -0.02905) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.089045) (end -1.46 0.089045) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.20714) (end -1.46 0.20714) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.325235) (end -1.46 0.325235) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.44333) (end -1.46 0.44333) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.561425) (end -1.46 0.561425) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.67952) (end -1.46 0.67952) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.797615) (end -1.46 0.797615) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.91571) (end -1.46 0.91571) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 1.033805) (end -1.46 1.033805) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 1.1519) (end -1.46 1.1519) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 -0.36) (end -1.11 -0.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 0.36) (end -1.11 0.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 2.18) (end -1.05 2.18) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 2.9) (end -1.05 2.9) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 4.72) (end -1.05 4.72) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 5.44) (end -1.05 5.44) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 7.26) (end -1.05 7.26) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 7.98) (end -1.05 7.98) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 9.8) (end -1.05 9.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 10.52) (end -1.05 10.52) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 12.34) (end -1.05 12.34) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 13.06) (end -1.05 13.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 14.88) (end -1.05 14.88) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 15.6) (end -1.05 15.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 17.42) (end -1.05 17.42) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 18.14) (end -1.05 18.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 19.96) (end -1.05 19.96) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 20.68) (end -1.05 20.68) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 22.5) (end -1.05 22.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 23.22) (end -1.05 23.22) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 25.04) (end -1.05 25.04) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 25.76) (end -1.05 25.76) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 27.58) (end -1.05 27.58) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 28.3) (end -1.05 28.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 1.27) (end -1.46 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 3.81) (end -1.46 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 6.35) (end -1.46 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 8.89) (end -1.46 8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 11.43) (end -1.46 11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 13.97) (end -1.46 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 16.51) (end -1.46 16.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 19.05) (end -1.46 19.05) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 21.59) (end -1.46 21.59) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 24.13) (end -1.46 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 26.67) (end -1.46 26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.33) (end -1.46 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 -1.33) (end -1.46 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 29.27) (end -1.46 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.33) (end -10.09 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.11 -1.33) (end 1.11 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -1.33) (end 1.11 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end -10.55 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -10.55 -1.75) (end -10.55 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -10.55 29.75) (end 1.75 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 29.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at -5.775 13.97 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 29 /LogicBlock/clk))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 28 /LogicBlock/rst_n))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 26 /LogicBlock/isp_mosi))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 30 "Net-(J2-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 31 "Net-(J2-Pad8)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 32 /fabric_l0))
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 33 /fabric_l1))
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 34 /fabric_l2))
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 35 /fabric_l3))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinSocket_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 59FED5CB) (tstamp 5CF2C65C)
(at 255.27 53.34)
(descr "Through hole angled pin header, 1x12, 2.54mm pitch, 6mm pin length, single row")
(tags "Through hole angled pin header THT 1x12 2.54mm single row")
(path /5CF23FEF)
(fp_text reference J3 (at 4.385 -2.27) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Right (at 4.385 30.21) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 2.135 -1.27) (end 4.04 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 -1.27) (end 4.04 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 29.21) (end 1.5 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.5 29.21) (end 1.5 -0.635) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.5 -0.635) (end 2.135 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 -0.32) (end 1.5 -0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 -0.32) (end -0.32 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 0.32) (end 1.5 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 -0.32) (end 10.04 -0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 -0.32) (end 10.04 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 0.32) (end 10.04 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 2.22) (end 1.5 2.22) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 2.22) (end -0.32 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 2.86) (end 1.5 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 2.22) (end 10.04 2.22) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 2.22) (end 10.04 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 2.86) (end 10.04 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 4.76) (end 1.5 4.76) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 4.76) (end -0.32 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 5.4) (end 1.5 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 4.76) (end 10.04 4.76) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 4.76) (end 10.04 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 5.4) (end 10.04 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 7.3) (end 1.5 7.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 7.3) (end -0.32 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 7.94) (end 1.5 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 7.3) (end 10.04 7.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 7.3) (end 10.04 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 7.94) (end 10.04 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 9.84) (end 1.5 9.84) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 9.84) (end -0.32 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 10.48) (end 1.5 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 9.84) (end 10.04 9.84) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 9.84) (end 10.04 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 10.48) (end 10.04 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 12.38) (end 1.5 12.38) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 12.38) (end -0.32 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 13.02) (end 1.5 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 12.38) (end 10.04 12.38) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 12.38) (end 10.04 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 13.02) (end 10.04 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 14.92) (end 1.5 14.92) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 14.92) (end -0.32 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 15.56) (end 1.5 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 14.92) (end 10.04 14.92) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 14.92) (end 10.04 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 15.56) (end 10.04 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 17.46) (end 1.5 17.46) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 17.46) (end -0.32 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 18.1) (end 1.5 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 17.46) (end 10.04 17.46) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 17.46) (end 10.04 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 18.1) (end 10.04 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 20) (end 1.5 20) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 20) (end -0.32 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 20.64) (end 1.5 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 20) (end 10.04 20) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 20) (end 10.04 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 20.64) (end 10.04 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 22.54) (end 1.5 22.54) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 22.54) (end -0.32 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 23.18) (end 1.5 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 22.54) (end 10.04 22.54) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 22.54) (end 10.04 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 23.18) (end 10.04 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 25.08) (end 1.5 25.08) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 25.08) (end -0.32 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 25.72) (end 1.5 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 25.08) (end 10.04 25.08) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 25.08) (end 10.04 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 25.72) (end 10.04 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 27.62) (end 1.5 27.62) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 27.62) (end -0.32 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 28.26) (end 1.5 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 27.62) (end 10.04 27.62) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 27.62) (end 10.04 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 28.26) (end 10.04 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.44 -1.33) (end 1.44 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 29.27) (end 4.1 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 29.27) (end 4.1 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -1.33) (end 1.44 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.38) (end 10.1 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 -0.38) (end 10.1 0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 0.38) (end 4.1 0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.32) (end 10.1 -0.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.2) (end 10.1 -0.2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.08) (end 10.1 -0.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 0.04) (end 10.1 0.04) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 0.16) (end 10.1 0.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 0.28) (end 10.1 0.28) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.11 -0.38) (end 1.44 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.11 0.38) (end 1.44 0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 1.27) (end 4.1 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 2.16) (end 10.1 2.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 2.16) (end 10.1 2.92) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 2.92) (end 4.1 2.92) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 2.16) (end 1.44 2.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 2.92) (end 1.44 2.92) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 3.81) (end 4.1 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 4.7) (end 10.1 4.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 4.7) (end 10.1 5.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 5.46) (end 4.1 5.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 4.7) (end 1.44 4.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 5.46) (end 1.44 5.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 6.35) (end 4.1 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 7.24) (end 10.1 7.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 7.24) (end 10.1 8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 8) (end 4.1 8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 7.24) (end 1.44 7.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 8) (end 1.44 8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 8.89) (end 4.1 8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 9.78) (end 10.1 9.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 9.78) (end 10.1 10.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 10.54) (end 4.1 10.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 9.78) (end 1.44 9.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 10.54) (end 1.44 10.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 11.43) (end 4.1 11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 12.32) (end 10.1 12.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 12.32) (end 10.1 13.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 13.08) (end 4.1 13.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 12.32) (end 1.44 12.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 13.08) (end 1.44 13.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 13.97) (end 4.1 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 14.86) (end 10.1 14.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 14.86) (end 10.1 15.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 15.62) (end 4.1 15.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 14.86) (end 1.44 14.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 15.62) (end 1.44 15.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 16.51) (end 4.1 16.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 17.4) (end 10.1 17.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 17.4) (end 10.1 18.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 18.16) (end 4.1 18.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 17.4) (end 1.44 17.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 18.16) (end 1.44 18.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 19.05) (end 4.1 19.05) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 19.94) (end 10.1 19.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 19.94) (end 10.1 20.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 20.7) (end 4.1 20.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 19.94) (end 1.44 19.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 20.7) (end 1.44 20.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 21.59) (end 4.1 21.59) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 22.48) (end 10.1 22.48) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 22.48) (end 10.1 23.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 23.24) (end 4.1 23.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 22.48) (end 1.44 22.48) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 23.24) (end 1.44 23.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 24.13) (end 4.1 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 25.02) (end 10.1 25.02) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 25.02) (end 10.1 25.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 25.78) (end 4.1 25.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 25.02) (end 1.44 25.02) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 25.78) (end 1.44 25.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 26.67) (end 4.1 26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 27.56) (end 10.1 27.56) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 27.56) (end 10.1 28.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 28.32) (end 4.1 28.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 27.56) (end 1.44 27.56) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 28.32) (end 1.44 28.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.27 0) (end -1.27 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.8 29.75) (end 10.55 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 10.55 29.75) (end 10.55 -1.8) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 10.55 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 2.77 13.97 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 29 /LogicBlock/clk))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 28 /LogicBlock/rst_n))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 36 /LogicBlock/isp_miso))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 30 "Net-(J2-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 37 "Net-(J3-Pad8)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C722)
(at 156.6925 95.25)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5F4F0B12)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R2 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 42 "Net-(R2-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C733)
(at 156.6925 99.06)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5F6AC414)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R3 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 108 "Net-(R3-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C744)
(at 180.8225 190.5)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34C8)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R4 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 5 "Net-(D2-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C755)
(at 180.34 193.04)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34D6)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R5 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 6 "Net-(D3-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C766)
(at 180.8225 195.58)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34DC)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R6 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 7 "Net-(D4-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C777)
(at 180.8225 198.12)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D3B34E2)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R7 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 8 "Net-(D5-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C788)
(at 160.5025 95.25)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5F6D346A)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R8 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 47 "Net-(R8-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C799)
(at 160.5025 99.06)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5F6FE7F1)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R9 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 109 "Net-(R9-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C7AA)
(at 95.25 106.68)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E3D15E2)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R10 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 10 "Net-(D6-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 48 /LogicBlock/cfg28))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C7BB)
(at 95.7325 109.22)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E44A4BD)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R11 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 48 /LogicBlock/cfg28))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 12 "Net-(D7-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C7CC)
(at 95.7325 111.76)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E49C4F4)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R12 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 13 "Net-(D8-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 48 /LogicBlock/cfg28))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C7DD)
(at 95.25 114.3)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5E49C50D)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R13 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 48 /LogicBlock/cfg28))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 107 "Net-(D9-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF54C80)
(at 283.9975 157.48)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D544A69)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R14 (at 0 1.43) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 10k (at 0 -1.43) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 15 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_b_en_n))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 49 /LogicBlock/cfg31))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C7FF)
(at 280.67 162.56)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D4D5C26)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R15 (at 0 1.43) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 10k (at 0 -1.43) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 49 /LogicBlock/cfg31))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 16 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_a_en_n))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF2C810)
(at 317.9825 154.94)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D1A7947)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R16 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 10k (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2C830)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(at 92.775 50.8)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5DA6508D)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U1 (at 0 5.28) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74164 (at 0 -5.28) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.35) (end -0.975 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -3.45 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 57 /LogicBlock/cfg7))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 56 /LogicBlock/cfg6))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 55 /LogicBlock/cfg5))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 54 /LogicBlock/cfg4))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 2 VCC))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 53 /LogicBlock/cfg3))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 52 /LogicBlock/cfg2))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 51 /LogicBlock/cfg1))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 50 /LogicBlock/cfg0))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 26 /LogicBlock/isp_mosi))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 26 /LogicBlock/isp_mosi))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF85585)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(at 99.06358 71.9836)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5DB5F0CD)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U2 (at 0 5.28 180) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74164 (at 0 -5.28 180) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -3.45 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.35) (end -0.975 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0 180) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 /LogicBlock/cfg15))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 /LogicBlock/cfg15))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 59 /LogicBlock/cfg16))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 60 /LogicBlock/cfg17))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 61 /LogicBlock/cfg18))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 62 /LogicBlock/cfg19))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 63 /LogicBlock/cfg20))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 64 /LogicBlock/cfg21))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 65 /LogicBlock/cfg22))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 66 /LogicBlock/cfg23))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2CA92)
(at 168.91 160.02)
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5DA841D5)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U5 (at 0 -5.28) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74164 (at 0 5.28) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.35) (end -0.975 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 -3.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -3.45 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 /LogicBlock/cfg15))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 67 /LogicBlock/cfg14))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 68 /LogicBlock/cfg13))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 69 /LogicBlock/cfg12))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 70 /LogicBlock/cfg11))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 71 /LogicBlock/cfg10))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 72 /LogicBlock/cfg9))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 73 /LogicBlock/cfg8))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 57 /LogicBlock/cfg7))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 57 /LogicBlock/cfg7))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF57B3F)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(at 102.87 72.39 90)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5DB5F0EE)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U6 (at 0 -5.28 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74164 (at 0 5.28 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.35) (end -0.975 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 -3.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -3.45 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 49 /LogicBlock/cfg31))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 74 /LogicBlock/cfg30))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 /LogicBlock/cfg29))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 48 /LogicBlock/cfg28))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 75 /LogicBlock/cfg27))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 76 /LogicBlock/cfg26))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 77 /LogicBlock/cfg25))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 78 /LogicBlock/cfg24))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 66 /LogicBlock/cfg23))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 66 /LogicBlock/cfg23))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2CAD4)
(at 179.07 161.29)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF006)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U7 (at 0 -5.9) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74253 (at 0 5.9) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -3.45 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 -3.975) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.975) (end -0.975 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 71 /LogicBlock/cfg10))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 72 /LogicBlock/cfg9))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 42 "Net-(R2-Pad2)"))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 108 "Net-(R3-Pad2)"))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 73 /LogicBlock/cfg8))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 70 /LogicBlock/cfg11))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF84EFF)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(at 107.885 61.595 180)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5E01B8F6)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U9 (at 0 5.9) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74251 (at 0 -5.9) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -3.45 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 3.975) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.975) (end -0.975 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 /fabric_l2))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 35 /fabric_l3))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 32 /fabric_l0))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 80 /LogicBlock/lut_in2))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 11 "Net-(D7-Pad1)"))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 78 /LogicBlock/cfg24))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 66 /LogicBlock/cfg23))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 65 /LogicBlock/cfg22))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 21 /fabric_t2))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 33 /fabric_l1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2CB3A)
(at 179.07 172.72)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AEFF3)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U10 (at 0 -5.9) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74253 (at 0 5.9) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.975) (end -0.975 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 -3.975) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -3.45 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 /LogicBlock/cfg15))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 69 /LogicBlock/cfg12))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 109 "Net-(R9-Pad2)"))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 47 "Net-(R8-Pad2)"))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 68 /LogicBlock/cfg13))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 67 /LogicBlock/cfg14))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF6D4AF)
(at 98.995 61.595 180)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5DF0DB18)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U11 (at 0 5.9) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74251 (at 0 -5.9) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.975) (end -0.975 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 3.975) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -3.45 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 35 /fabric_l3))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 32 /fabric_l0))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 22 /fabric_t1))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 62 /LogicBlock/cfg19))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 63 /LogicBlock/cfg20))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 64 /LogicBlock/cfg21))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 106 "Net-(D8-Pad1)"))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 81 /LogicBlock/lut_in1))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 33 /fabric_l1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 /fabric_l2))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF733FC)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(at 107.885 61.595)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5E01B8D6)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U12 (at 0 -5.9) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74251 (at 0 5.9) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.975) (end -0.975 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 -3.975) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -3.45 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 35 /fabric_l3))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 32 /fabric_l0))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 20 /fabric_t3))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 77 /LogicBlock/cfg25))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 76 /LogicBlock/cfg26))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 75 /LogicBlock/cfg27))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 14 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_in3_n))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 82 /LogicBlock/lut_in3))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 33 /fabric_l1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 /fabric_l2))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF33DA5)
(at 276.795 144.78)
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5CF42176)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U13 (at 0 5.28) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74164 (at 0 -5.28) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.35) (end -0.975 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -3.45 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 83 "Net-(U13-Pad13)"))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 84 "Net-(U13-Pad12)"))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 85 "Net-(U13-Pad11)"))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 86 "Net-(U13-Pad10)"))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 87 "Net-(U13-Pad6)"))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 88 "Net-(U13-Pad5)"))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 89 "Net-(U13-Pad4)"))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 90 "Net-(U13-Pad3)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 49 /LogicBlock/cfg31))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 49 /LogicBlock/cfg31))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2CBE0)
(at 304.735 131.699)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5D187D09)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U15 (at 0 5.9) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74157 (at 0 -5.9) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -3.45 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 3.975) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.975) (end -0.975 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 74 /LogicBlock/cfg30))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 92 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_a))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 17 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_a))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 43 /LogicBlock/lut_out_a))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 93 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_c))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 /LogicBlock/lut_out_c))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 46 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b_async))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 45 /LogicBlock/lut_out_b))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 94 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_b))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2CC02)
(at 302.514 131.699)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5CF941AD)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U16 (at 0 -5.9) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74LS174 (at 0 5.9) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.975) (end -0.975 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 -3.975) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -3.45 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 95 "Net-(U16-Pad15)"))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 96 "Net-(U16-Pad12)"))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 97 "Net-(U16-Pad10)"))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 29 /LogicBlock/clk))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 94 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_b))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 93 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_c))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_c))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 17 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_a))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 92 /LogicBlock/LUTD/sync_a))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 28 /LogicBlock/rst_n))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF5447F)
(at 285.685 144.78 180)
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5CF427E5)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U17 (at 0 -5.28) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74164 (at 0 5.28) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -3.45 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 -3.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.35) (end -0.975 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 83 "Net-(U13-Pad13)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 83 "Net-(U13-Pad13)"))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 98 "Net-(U17-Pad3)"))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 99 "Net-(U17-Pad4)"))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 100 "Net-(U17-Pad5)"))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 101 "Net-(U17-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 102 "Net-(U17-Pad10)"))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 103 "Net-(U17-Pad11)"))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 104 "Net-(U17-Pad12)"))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 36 /LogicBlock/isp_miso))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF5451F)
(at 285.685 146.685 180)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5CF5B900)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U18 (at 0 5.9) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 74251 (at 0 -5.9) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -1.95 -5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -3.45 5.06) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 -4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.95) (end -1.95 3.975) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.975) (end -0.975 4.95) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 101 "Net-(U17-Pad6)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 100 "Net-(U17-Pad5)"))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 99 "Net-(U17-Pad4)"))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 98 "Net-(U17-Pad3)"))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_b))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 105 "Net-(U18-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 15 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_b_en_n))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 80 /LogicBlock/lut_in2))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 81 /LogicBlock/lut_in1))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 79 /LogicBlock/lut_in0))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 36 /LogicBlock/isp_miso))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 104 "Net-(U17-Pad12)"))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 103 "Net-(U17-Pad11)"))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 102 "Net-(U17-Pad10)"))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445 180) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF8DCF5)
(at 102.235 50.735 270)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5E0E0FAE)
(attr smd)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(fp_text reference U3 (at 0 5.28 90) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(fp_text value 4066 (at 0 -5.28 90) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -1.95 -4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -3.45 4.435) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 -4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -4.325) (end -1.95 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 3.35) (end -0.975 4.325) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0 90) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 20 /fabric_t3))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 /fabric_l2))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 54 /LogicBlock/cfg4))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 53 /LogicBlock/cfg3))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 1 GND))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 32 /fabric_l0))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 33 /fabric_l1))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 56 /LogicBlock/cfg6))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 57 /LogicBlock/cfg7))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81 270) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(module Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF8DDB0)
(at 102.805 50.165)
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(descr "SOIC, 14 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AB, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_14.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5E0E1A05)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U4 (at 0 -5.28) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 4066 (at 0 5.28) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.35) (end -0.975 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 -3.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -3.45 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 52 /LogicBlock/cfg2))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 51 /LogicBlock/cfg1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 22 /fabric_t1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 23 /fabric_t0))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 55 /LogicBlock/cfg5))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 50 /LogicBlock/cfg0))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 35 /fabric_l3))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(net 21 /fabric_t2))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C97300E) (tstamp 5CF2ED55)
(at 276.795 146.685)
(descr "SOIC, 16 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AC, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_16.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SOIC SO")
(path /5D77FDBE/5D7AF013/5CF4F8AB)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U14 (at 0 -5.9) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 74251 (at 0 5.9) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end 1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 5.06) (end -1.95 5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end 1.95 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -5.06) (end -3.45 -5.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.975 -4.95) (end 1.95 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.95) (end 1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 4.95) (end -1.95 -3.975) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.975) (end -0.975 -4.95) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 5.2) (end 3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -5.2) (end -3.7 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 87 "Net-(U13-Pad6)"))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 88 "Net-(U13-Pad5)"))
(pad 3 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 89 "Net-(U13-Pad4)"))
(pad 4 smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 90 "Net-(U13-Pad3)"))
(pad 5 smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 17 /LogicBlock/LUTD/async_a))
(pad 6 smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 91 "Net-(U14-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 16 /LogicBlock/LUTD/lut_a_en_n))
(pad 8 smd roundrect (at -2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 9 smd roundrect (at 2.475 4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 80 /LogicBlock/lut_in2))
(pad 10 smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 81 /LogicBlock/lut_in1))
(pad 11 smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 79 /LogicBlock/lut_in0))
(pad 12 smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 83 "Net-(U13-Pad13)"))
(pad 13 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 84 "Net-(U13-Pad12)"))
(pad 14 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 85 "Net-(U13-Pad11)"))
(pad 15 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.175) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 86 "Net-(U13-Pad10)"))
(pad 16 smd roundrect (at 2.475 -4.445) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 59FED5CB) (tstamp 5CF396F4)
(at 218.44 44.45 90)
(descr "Through hole angled pin header, 1x12, 2.54mm pitch, 6mm pin length, single row")
(tags "Through hole angled pin header THT 1x12 2.54mm single row")
(path /5CF30EFB)
(fp_text reference J1 (at 4.385 -2.27 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Top (at 4.385 30.21 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 2.135 -1.27) (end 4.04 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 -1.27) (end 4.04 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 29.21) (end 1.5 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.5 29.21) (end 1.5 -0.635) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.5 -0.635) (end 2.135 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 -0.32) (end 1.5 -0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 -0.32) (end -0.32 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 0.32) (end 1.5 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 -0.32) (end 10.04 -0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 -0.32) (end 10.04 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 0.32) (end 10.04 0.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 2.22) (end 1.5 2.22) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 2.22) (end -0.32 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 2.86) (end 1.5 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 2.22) (end 10.04 2.22) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 2.22) (end 10.04 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 2.86) (end 10.04 2.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 4.76) (end 1.5 4.76) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 4.76) (end -0.32 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 5.4) (end 1.5 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 4.76) (end 10.04 4.76) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 4.76) (end 10.04 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 5.4) (end 10.04 5.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 7.3) (end 1.5 7.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 7.3) (end -0.32 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 7.94) (end 1.5 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 7.3) (end 10.04 7.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 7.3) (end 10.04 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 7.94) (end 10.04 7.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 9.84) (end 1.5 9.84) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 9.84) (end -0.32 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 10.48) (end 1.5 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 9.84) (end 10.04 9.84) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 9.84) (end 10.04 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 10.48) (end 10.04 10.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 12.38) (end 1.5 12.38) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 12.38) (end -0.32 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 13.02) (end 1.5 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 12.38) (end 10.04 12.38) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 12.38) (end 10.04 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 13.02) (end 10.04 13.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 14.92) (end 1.5 14.92) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 14.92) (end -0.32 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 15.56) (end 1.5 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 14.92) (end 10.04 14.92) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 14.92) (end 10.04 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 15.56) (end 10.04 15.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 17.46) (end 1.5 17.46) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 17.46) (end -0.32 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 18.1) (end 1.5 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 17.46) (end 10.04 17.46) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 17.46) (end 10.04 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 18.1) (end 10.04 18.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 20) (end 1.5 20) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 20) (end -0.32 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 20.64) (end 1.5 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 20) (end 10.04 20) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 20) (end 10.04 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 20.64) (end 10.04 20.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 22.54) (end 1.5 22.54) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 22.54) (end -0.32 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 23.18) (end 1.5 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 22.54) (end 10.04 22.54) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 22.54) (end 10.04 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 23.18) (end 10.04 23.18) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 25.08) (end 1.5 25.08) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 25.08) (end -0.32 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 25.72) (end 1.5 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 25.08) (end 10.04 25.08) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 25.08) (end 10.04 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 25.72) (end 10.04 25.72) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 27.62) (end 1.5 27.62) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 27.62) (end -0.32 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.32 28.26) (end 1.5 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 27.62) (end 10.04 27.62) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 10.04 27.62) (end 10.04 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 4.04 28.26) (end 10.04 28.26) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.44 -1.33) (end 1.44 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 29.27) (end 4.1 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 29.27) (end 4.1 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -1.33) (end 1.44 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.38) (end 10.1 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 -0.38) (end 10.1 0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 0.38) (end 4.1 0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.32) (end 10.1 -0.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.2) (end 10.1 -0.2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 -0.08) (end 10.1 -0.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 0.04) (end 10.1 0.04) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 0.16) (end 10.1 0.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 0.28) (end 10.1 0.28) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.11 -0.38) (end 1.44 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.11 0.38) (end 1.44 0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 1.27) (end 4.1 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 2.16) (end 10.1 2.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 2.16) (end 10.1 2.92) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 2.92) (end 4.1 2.92) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 2.16) (end 1.44 2.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 2.92) (end 1.44 2.92) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 3.81) (end 4.1 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 4.7) (end 10.1 4.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 4.7) (end 10.1 5.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 5.46) (end 4.1 5.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 4.7) (end 1.44 4.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 5.46) (end 1.44 5.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 6.35) (end 4.1 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 7.24) (end 10.1 7.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 7.24) (end 10.1 8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 8) (end 4.1 8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 7.24) (end 1.44 7.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 8) (end 1.44 8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 8.89) (end 4.1 8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 9.78) (end 10.1 9.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 9.78) (end 10.1 10.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 10.54) (end 4.1 10.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 9.78) (end 1.44 9.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 10.54) (end 1.44 10.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 11.43) (end 4.1 11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 12.32) (end 10.1 12.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 12.32) (end 10.1 13.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 13.08) (end 4.1 13.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 12.32) (end 1.44 12.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 13.08) (end 1.44 13.08) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 13.97) (end 4.1 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 14.86) (end 10.1 14.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 14.86) (end 10.1 15.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 15.62) (end 4.1 15.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 14.86) (end 1.44 14.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 15.62) (end 1.44 15.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 16.51) (end 4.1 16.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 17.4) (end 10.1 17.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 17.4) (end 10.1 18.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 18.16) (end 4.1 18.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 17.4) (end 1.44 17.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 18.16) (end 1.44 18.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 19.05) (end 4.1 19.05) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 19.94) (end 10.1 19.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 19.94) (end 10.1 20.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 20.7) (end 4.1 20.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 19.94) (end 1.44 19.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 20.7) (end 1.44 20.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 21.59) (end 4.1 21.59) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 22.48) (end 10.1 22.48) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 22.48) (end 10.1 23.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 23.24) (end 4.1 23.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 22.48) (end 1.44 22.48) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 23.24) (end 1.44 23.24) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 24.13) (end 4.1 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 25.02) (end 10.1 25.02) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 25.02) (end 10.1 25.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 25.78) (end 4.1 25.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 25.02) (end 1.44 25.02) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 25.78) (end 1.44 25.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.44 26.67) (end 4.1 26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 4.1 27.56) (end 10.1 27.56) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 27.56) (end 10.1 28.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 10.1 28.32) (end 4.1 28.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 27.56) (end 1.44 27.56) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.042929 28.32) (end 1.44 28.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.27 0) (end -1.27 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.8 29.75) (end 10.55 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 10.55 29.75) (end 10.55 -1.8) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 10.55 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 2.77 13.97) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 29 /LogicBlock/clk))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 28 /LogicBlock/rst_n))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 26 /LogicBlock/isp_mosi))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 25 "Net-(J1-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 24 "Net-(J1-Pad8)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 23 /fabric_t0))
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 22 /fabric_t1))
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 21 /fabric_t2))
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 20 /fabric_t3))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A19A41E) (tstamp 5CF38B22)
(at 218.44 90.17 90)
(descr "Through hole angled socket strip, 1x12, 2.54mm pitch, 8.51mm socket length, single row (from Kicad 4.0.7), script generated")
(tags "Through hole angled socket strip THT 1x12 2.54mm single row")
(path /60090C3D)
(fp_text reference J4 (at -4.38 -2.77 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Bottom (at -4.38 30.71 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -10.03 -1.27) (end -2.49 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -2.49 -1.27) (end -1.52 -0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 -0.3) (end -1.52 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 29.21) (end -10.03 29.21) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -10.03 29.21) (end -10.03 -1.27) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 -0.3) (end -1.52 -0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 0.3) (end 0 0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 0.3) (end 0 -0.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 2.24) (end -1.52 2.24) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 2.84) (end 0 2.84) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 2.84) (end 0 2.24) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 4.78) (end -1.52 4.78) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 5.38) (end 0 5.38) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 5.38) (end 0 4.78) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 7.32) (end -1.52 7.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 7.92) (end 0 7.92) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 7.92) (end 0 7.32) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 9.86) (end -1.52 9.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 10.46) (end 0 10.46) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 10.46) (end 0 9.86) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 12.4) (end -1.52 12.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 13) (end 0 13) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 13) (end 0 12.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 14.94) (end -1.52 14.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 15.54) (end 0 15.54) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 15.54) (end 0 14.94) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 17.48) (end -1.52 17.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 18.08) (end 0 18.08) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 18.08) (end 0 17.48) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 20.02) (end -1.52 20.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 20.62) (end 0 20.62) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 20.62) (end 0 20.02) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 22.56) (end -1.52 22.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 23.16) (end 0 23.16) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 23.16) (end 0 22.56) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 25.1) (end -1.52 25.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 25.7) (end 0 25.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 25.7) (end 0 25.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 27.64) (end -1.52 27.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.52 28.24) (end 0 28.24) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 28.24) (end 0 27.64) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.21) (end -1.46 -1.21) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.091905) (end -1.46 -1.091905) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.97381) (end -1.46 -0.97381) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.855715) (end -1.46 -0.855715) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.73762) (end -1.46 -0.73762) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.619525) (end -1.46 -0.619525) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.50143) (end -1.46 -0.50143) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.383335) (end -1.46 -0.383335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.26524) (end -1.46 -0.26524) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.147145) (end -1.46 -0.147145) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -0.02905) (end -1.46 -0.02905) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.089045) (end -1.46 0.089045) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.20714) (end -1.46 0.20714) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.325235) (end -1.46 0.325235) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.44333) (end -1.46 0.44333) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.561425) (end -1.46 0.561425) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.67952) (end -1.46 0.67952) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.797615) (end -1.46 0.797615) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 0.91571) (end -1.46 0.91571) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 1.033805) (end -1.46 1.033805) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 1.1519) (end -1.46 1.1519) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 -0.36) (end -1.11 -0.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 0.36) (end -1.11 0.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 2.18) (end -1.05 2.18) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 2.9) (end -1.05 2.9) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 4.72) (end -1.05 4.72) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 5.44) (end -1.05 5.44) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 7.26) (end -1.05 7.26) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 7.98) (end -1.05 7.98) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 9.8) (end -1.05 9.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 10.52) (end -1.05 10.52) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 12.34) (end -1.05 12.34) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 13.06) (end -1.05 13.06) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 14.88) (end -1.05 14.88) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 15.6) (end -1.05 15.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 17.42) (end -1.05 17.42) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 18.14) (end -1.05 18.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 19.96) (end -1.05 19.96) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 20.68) (end -1.05 20.68) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 22.5) (end -1.05 22.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 23.22) (end -1.05 23.22) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 25.04) (end -1.05 25.04) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 25.76) (end -1.05 25.76) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 27.58) (end -1.05 27.58) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 28.3) (end -1.05 28.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 1.27) (end -1.46 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 3.81) (end -1.46 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 6.35) (end -1.46 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 8.89) (end -1.46 8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 11.43) (end -1.46 11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 13.97) (end -1.46 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 16.51) (end -1.46 16.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 19.05) (end -1.46 19.05) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 21.59) (end -1.46 21.59) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 24.13) (end -1.46 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 26.67) (end -1.46 26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.33) (end -1.46 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.46 -1.33) (end -1.46 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 29.27) (end -1.46 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -10.09 -1.33) (end -10.09 29.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.11 -1.33) (end 1.11 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 -1.33) (end 1.11 -1.33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end -10.55 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -10.55 -1.75) (end -10.55 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -10.55 29.75) (end 1.75 29.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 29.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at -5.775 13.97) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 29 /LogicBlock/clk))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 28 /LogicBlock/rst_n))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 27 /LogicBlock/isp_sck))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 31 "Net-(J2-Pad8)"))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 25 "Net-(J1-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 41 "Net-(J4-Pad8)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 40 /fabric_b0))
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 39 /fabric_b1))
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 38 /fabric_b2))
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94 90) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 110 /fabric_b3))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinSocket_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_1206_3216Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF6C2AF)
(at 31.515001 185.295001)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 1206 (3216 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(path /5CF70F0E)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference C1 (at 0 -1.82) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 10u (at 0 1.82) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.602064 -0.91) (end 0.602064 -0.91) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.602064 0.91) (end 0.602064 0.91) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.28 1.12) (end -2.28 -1.12) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.28 -1.12) (end 2.28 -1.12) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 2.28 -1.12) (end 2.28 1.12) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 2.28 1.12) (end -2.28 1.12) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.8 0.8) (thickness 0.12)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -1.4 0) (size 1.25 1.75) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.2)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 1.4 0) (size 1.25 1.75) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.2)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206_3216Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5CF6C2C2)
(at 36.365001 184.945001)
(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags diode)
(path /5CFB92E6)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference D1 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PWR (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end -0.5 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 -0.4) (end -0.8 -0.1) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.1) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.735) (end -1.485 -0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 -0.735) (end -1.485 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.485 0.735) (end 0.8 0.735) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 3 "Net-(D1-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/LED_SMD.3dshapes/LED_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBD) (tstamp 5CF6C2D3)
(at 36.325001 187.495001)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags resistor)
(path /5CFB92EC)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R1 (at 0 -1.43) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 470 (at 0 1.43) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 -0.51) (end 0.162779 -0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.162779 0.51) (end 0.162779 0.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 -0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 -0.73) (end 1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.48 0.73) (end -1.48 0.73) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(pad 1 smd roundrect (at -0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 VCC))
(pad 2 smd roundrect (at 0.7875 0) (size 0.875 0.95) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 3 "Net-(D1-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(gr_line (start 256.54 43.18) (end 208.28 43.18) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 5CF2CF37))
(gr_line (start 256.54 91.44) (end 256.54 43.18) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 208.28 91.44) (end 256.54 91.44) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 208.28 43.18) (end 208.28 91.44) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
2019-06-05 23:32:39 +02:00
(segment (start 111.435 62.23) (end 110.36 62.23) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 112.28071 62.23) (end 111.435 62.23) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 112.788989 61.721721) (end 112.28071 62.23) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 112.788989 52.725609) (end 112.788989 61.721721) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 107.49788 47.4345) (end 112.788989 52.725609) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(via (at 98.425 48.26) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 107.49788 47.010236) (end 107.49788 47.4345) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 107.49788 46.631378) (end 107.49788 47.010236) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 99.652984 45.52158) (end 106.388083 45.521581) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 98.79571 46.378854) (end 99.652984 45.52158) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 98.79571 47.88929) (end 98.79571 46.378854) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 106.388083 45.521581) (end 107.49788 46.631378) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 98.425 48.26) (end 98.79571 47.88929) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(via (at 112.18418 61.5442) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 112.13084 61.59754) (end 112.18418 61.5442) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 105.41 62.23) (end 106.04246 61.59754) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 106.04246 61.59754) (end 112.13084 61.59754) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 112.484179 61.244201) (end 112.484179 53.318743) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 112.18418 61.5442) (end 112.484179 61.244201) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 100.70071 45.98429) (end 100.33 46.355) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 100.85861 45.82639) (end 100.70071 45.98429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 106.261826 45.82639) (end 100.85861 45.82639) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 106.802528 46.367092) (end 106.261826 45.82639) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 106.802528 47.637092) (end 106.802528 46.367092) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 112.484179 53.318743) (end 106.802528 47.637092) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(via (at 98.04654 62.25286) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 96.54286 62.25286) (end 96.52 62.23) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 98.04654 62.25286) (end 96.54286 62.25286) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 104.205 50.165) (end 105.28 50.165) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 101.706399 52.663601) (end 104.205 50.165) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 101.706399 54.109037) (end 101.706399 52.663601) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 100.26639 55.549046) (end 101.706399 54.109037) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 100.26639 59.608746) (end 100.26639 55.549046) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 98.04654 61.828596) (end 100.26639 59.608746) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 98.04654 62.25286) (end 98.04654 61.828596) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 103.703109 55.551891) (end 104.90929 54.34571) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 23))
(segment (start 104.90929 54.34571) (end 105.28 53.975) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 23))
(segment (start 103.703109 61.071891) (end 103.703109 55.551891) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 23))
(segment (start 102.545 62.23) (end 103.703109 61.071891) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 23))
(segment (start 101.47 62.23) (end 102.545 62.23) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 23))
(via (at 110.36 59.69) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 32))
(via (at 96.52 59.69) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 109.15639 59.56139) (end 109.15639 57.724426) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 110.36 59.69) (end 109.285 59.69) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 109.285 59.69) (end 109.15639 59.56139) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 106.464184 55.03222) (end 106.03992 55.03222) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 32))
(via (at 106.03992 55.03222) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 106.045 53.21) (end 106.045 55.02714) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 106.045 55.02714) (end 106.03992 55.03222) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 109.15639 57.724426) (end 106.464184 55.03222) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 96.52 59.69) (end 97.595 59.69) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 109.83139 59.16139) (end 109.98929 59.31929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 96.52 59.69) (end 90.41866 59.69) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 90.41866 59.69) (end 90.04795 59.31929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 109.98929 59.31929) (end 110.36 59.69) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 98.12361 59.16139) (end 109.83139 59.16139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 97.595 59.69) (end 98.12361 59.16139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(via (at 104.77246 52.70246) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 40))
(via (at 102.235 53.21) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 101.47 58.42) (end 105.41 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(via (at 101.47 58.42) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 33))
(via (at 105.41 58.42) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 102.67361 58.29139) (end 102.545 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 102.545 58.42) (end 101.47 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 102.635 53.21) (end 102.67361 53.24861) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 102.67361 53.24861) (end 102.67361 58.29139) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 102.235 53.21) (end 102.635 53.21) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 101.09929 58.79071) (end 97.659726 58.79071) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 101.47 58.42) (end 101.09929 58.79071) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 97.659726 58.79071) (end 97.425916 59.02452) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 97.425916 59.02452) (end 91.01836 59.02452) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 101.84071 56.77929) (end 101.47 57.15) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 101.99861 56.62139) (end 101.84071 56.77929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 110.36 57.15) (end 109.83139 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(via (at 107.07087 56.62139) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 105.41 57.15) (end 106.54226 57.15) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 109.83139 56.62139) (end 107.07087 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 106.54226 57.15) (end 107.07087 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 107.07087 56.62139) (end 102.09813 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 102.09813 56.62139) (end 101.99861 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 97.76656 57.15) (end 98.29517 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 96.52 57.15) (end 97.76656 57.15) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 34))
(via (at 98.29517 56.62139) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 102.09813 56.62139) (end 101.87657 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 101.87657 56.62139) (end 98.29517 56.62139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 97.289046 57.89139) (end 90.79259 57.89139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 97.995171 56.921389) (end 97.995171 57.185265) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 97.995171 57.185265) (end 97.289046 57.89139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 98.29517 56.62139) (end 97.995171 56.921389) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 101.70639 52.12871) (end 101.838479 51.996621) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 101.838479 51.996621) (end 102.209329 51.996621) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 102.7811 48.8061) (end 102.60571 48.63071) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 102.60571 48.63071) (end 102.235 48.26) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 102.7811 51.42485) (end 102.7811 48.8061) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 101.87657 56.62139) (end 101.70639 56.45121) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 102.209329 51.996621) (end 102.7811 51.42485) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 101.70639 56.45121) (end 101.70639 52.12871) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(via (at 110.36 58.42) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 35))
(via (at 96.52 58.42) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 100.33 50.165) (end 99.255 50.165) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 98.516768 54.534338) (end 98.930449 54.948019) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 99.255 50.165) (end 98.516768 50.903232) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 97.595 58.42) (end 96.52 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 98.516768 50.903232) (end 98.516768 54.534338) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 98.930449 57.084551) (end 97.595 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 98.930449 54.948019) (end 98.930449 57.084551) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 96.52 58.42) (end 90.78238 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 90.78238 58.42) (end 90.495371 58.707009) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 90.495371 58.707009) (end 90.1879 59.01448) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 97.595 58.42) (end 98.12361 57.89139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 109.98929 58.04929) (end 110.36 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 96.52 58.42) (end 97.595 58.42) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 98.12361 57.89139) (end 109.83139 57.89139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 109.83139 57.89139) (end 109.98929 58.04929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(via (at 96.52 60.96) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 98.821579 54.408082) (end 99.25558 54.842082) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 99.560954 50.69361) (end 98.821579 51.432985) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 99.25558 59.29942) (end 97.595 60.96) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 99.25558 54.842082) (end 99.25558 59.29942) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 101.311826 50.69361) (end 99.560954 50.69361) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 101.53361 50.471826) (end 101.311826 50.69361) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 101.53361 47.75361) (end 101.53361 50.471826) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 100.33 47.625) (end 100.965 47.625) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 98.821579 51.432985) (end 98.821579 54.408082) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 97.595 60.96) (end 96.52 60.96) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 101.405 47.625) (end 101.53361 47.75361) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 100.965 47.625) (end 101.405 47.625) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 38) (tstamp 5CFA80BB))
(via (at 100.965 47.625) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 101.47 60.96) (end 105.41 60.96) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 101.47 59.69) (end 105.41 59.69) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 39))
(via (at 103.505 53.21) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 103.83429 51.80571) (end 103.505 52.135) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 103.505 52.135) (end 103.505 53.21) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 104.90929 51.80571) (end 103.83429 51.80571) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 105.28 51.435) (end 104.90929 51.80571) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(via (at 101.47 59.69) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 39))
(via (at 105.41 59.69) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 101.47 59.69) (end 102.545 59.69) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 102.979187 53.735813) (end 103.13429 53.58071) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 103.13429 53.58071) (end 103.505 53.21) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 102.545 59.69) (end 102.979187 59.255813) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(segment (start 102.979187 59.255813) (end 102.979187 53.735813) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 39))
(via (at 101.47 60.96) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 40))
(via (at 105.41 60.96) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 101.47 60.96) (end 102.545 60.96) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 103.296698 60.208302) (end 103.296698 55.527235) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 103.296698 55.527235) (end 104.07639 54.747543) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 104.205 52.705) (end 105.28 52.705) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 104.07639 54.747543) (end 104.07639 52.83361) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 102.545 60.96) (end 103.296698 60.208302) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 104.07639 52.83361) (end 104.205 52.705) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(via (at 101.9556 51.46802) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 100.70071 52.33429) (end 101.08933 52.33429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 100.33 52.705) (end 100.70071 52.33429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 101.08933 52.33429) (end 101.9556 51.46802) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 55))
(via (at 100.33 51.435) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 50))
(segment (start 96.637573 51.435) (end 90.935 51.435) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 50))
(segment (start 90.935 51.435) (end 90.67071 51.69929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 50))
(segment (start 97.008283 51.06429) (end 96.637573 51.435) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 50))
(segment (start 99.95929 51.06429) (end 97.008283 51.06429) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 50))
(segment (start 90.67071 51.69929) (end 90.3 52.07) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 50))
(segment (start 100.33 51.435) (end 99.95929 51.06429) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 50))
(via (at 102.35438 46.4185) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 104.46017 48.52429) (end 102.35438 46.4185) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 105.28 48.895) (end 104.90929 48.52429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 104.90929 48.52429) (end 104.46017 48.52429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 102.35438 46.4185) (end 97.85096 46.4185) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 91.375 50.8) (end 90.3 50.8) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 93.17361 49.00139) (end 91.375 50.8) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 96.019046 49.00139) (end 93.17361 49.00139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 96.45361 47.81585) (end 96.45361 48.566826) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 97.85096 46.4185) (end 96.45361 47.81585) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 96.45361 48.566826) (end 96.019046 49.00139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 51))
(segment (start 103.306599 45.585089) (end 94.904851 45.585089) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 53))
(segment (start 104.775 48.26) (end 104.40429 47.88929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 53))
(segment (start 104.40429 46.68278) (end 103.306599 45.585089) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 53))
(segment (start 104.40429 47.88929) (end 104.40429 46.68278) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 53))
(via (at 103.42118 46.482) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 104.19347 47.25429) (end 103.42118 46.482) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 105.28 47.625) (end 104.90929 47.25429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 104.90929 47.25429) (end 104.19347 47.25429) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 92.0242 49.53) (end 90.3 49.53) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 93.82281 47.73139) (end 92.0242 49.53) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 103.20021 46.482) (end 102.608109 45.889899) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 103.42118 46.482) (end 103.20021 46.482) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 102.608109 45.889899) (end 97.860537 45.889899) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 97.860537 45.889899) (end 96.019046 47.73139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 96.019046 47.73139) (end 93.82281 47.73139) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 52))
(segment (start 92.22994 48.26) (end 90.3 48.26) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 53))
(segment (start 94.904851 45.585089) (end 92.22994 48.26) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 53))
(segment (start 103.37639 47.05639) (end 98.118174 47.05639) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 96.758421 49.096579) (end 96.325 49.53) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 96.325 49.53) (end 95.25 49.53) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 96.758421 48.416143) (end 96.758421 49.096579) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 98.118174 47.05639) (end 96.758421 48.416143) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 103.505 48.26) (end 103.505 47.185) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 103.505 47.185) (end 103.37639 47.05639) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 54))
(segment (start 96.6978 50.8) (end 95.25 50.8) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 97.06851 50.42929) (end 96.6978 50.8) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 100.22853 50.42929) (end 97.06851 50.42929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 101.9556 51.46802) (end 101.26726 51.46802) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 101.26726 51.46802) (end 100.22853 50.42929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 55))
(segment (start 100.59429 52.83929) (end 100.965 53.21) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 56))
(segment (start 100.59429 52.598854) (end 100.59429 52.83929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 56))
(segment (start 99.638716 51.64328) (end 100.59429 52.598854) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 56))
(segment (start 97.05848 51.64328) (end 99.638716 51.64328) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 56))
(segment (start 96.63176 52.07) (end 97.05848 51.64328) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 56))
(segment (start 95.25 52.07) (end 96.63176 52.07) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 56))
(segment (start 96.325 53.34) (end 95.25 53.34) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 57))
(segment (start 97.65861 52.00639) (end 96.325 53.34) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 57))
(segment (start 98.731826 52.00639) (end 97.65861 52.00639) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 57))
(segment (start 99.32429 52.598854) (end 98.731826 52.00639) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 57))
(segment (start 99.32429 52.83929) (end 99.32429 52.598854) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 57))
(segment (start 99.695 53.21) (end 99.32429 52.83929) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 57))
(via (at 110.36 60.96) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 111.56361 54.938174) (end 106.24339 49.617954) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(via (at 102.238819 50.626828) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 103.247693 49.617954) (end 102.538818 50.326829) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 111.56361 60.83139) (end 111.56361 54.938174) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 110.36 60.96) (end 111.435 60.96) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 111.435 60.96) (end 111.56361 60.83139) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 100.986828 50.626828) (end 101.814555 50.626828) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 101.814555 50.626828) (end 102.238819 50.626828) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 99.695 49.335) (end 100.986828 50.626828) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 99.695 48.26) (end 99.695 48.89754) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 102.538818 50.326829) (end 102.238819 50.626828) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 106.24339 49.617954) (end 103.247693 49.617954) (width 0.1524) (layer F.Cu) (net 110))
(segment (start 99.695 48.89754) (end 99.695 49.335) (width 0.1524) (layer B.Cu) (net 110) (tstamp 5CFA80B9))
(via (at 99.695 48.89754) (size 0.6) (drill 0.3) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 110))
2019-06-04 22:43:08 +02:00