#include "fpga_fdef_loader.h" #include struct fpga_cell *fpga_fdef_loader_load(char *filename) { FILE *fdef; int c; int line = 1; int col = 1; struct fpga_cell *cell_left = NULL; struct fpga_cell *cell_top = NULL; struct fpga_cell *cell = NULL; report(LL_INFO, "Loading FDEF from %s...", filename); fdef = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fdef) return NULL; while ((c = fgetc(fdef)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'L': cell = FPGA_TO_CELL(fpga_cell_lut_34_new()); if (!cell) { report(LL_CRITICAL, "Out of memory when creating cell."); return NULL; } break; case '\n': col = 0; line++; break; default: report(LL_ERROR, "%s:%d:%d: Invalid cell type %c. Replacing with empty cell.", filename, line, col, c); /* fall-through */ case ' ': cell = FPGA_TO_CELL(fpga_cell_none_new()); if (!cell) { report(LL_CRITICAL, "Out of memory when creating cell."); return NULL; } break; } if (c == '\n') { cell_left = NULL; cell_top = fpga_cell_get_far(cell, LEFT); report(LL_DEBUG, ""); } else { if (cell_left) fpga_cell_connect(cell, cell_left, RIGHT); if (cell_top) fpga_cell_connect(cell, cell_top, BOTTOM); cell_left = cell; if (cell_top) cell_top = cell_top->cell_connections[RIGHT]; } col++; } fclose(fdef); return fpga_cell_get_far(fpga_cell_get_far(cell, LEFT), TOP); }