#include #include #include #include #include "oled-display/lcd.h" #include "input.h" #include "systick.h" #define PORT_SPI(t) t##B #define PIN_SPI_CS (1 << 2) int dbg = 0; void spi_init() { SPCR = (1 << SPE); SPSR = (1 << SPI2X); DDRB |= (1 << 4); } #define Y_MAX (DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 8 - 1) uint8_t spi_proc() { static uint8_t new_data = 0; static uint8_t x = 0; static uint8_t y = Y_MAX; uint8_t spi_cs; static uint8_t spdr_next = 0; spi_cs = !(PORT_SPI(PIN) & PIN_SPI_CS); if (spi_cs) { if (SPSR & (1 << SPIF)) { switch (y) { case Y_MAX - 1: spdr_next = 55; // TODO: Vbat break; } SPDR = spdr_next; lcd_set_buffer(x, y, SPDR); if (y == 0) { y = Y_MAX; x++; if (x == DISPLAY_WIDTH) { x = 0; new_data = 1; // Only update the display if a full frame was received } } else { y--; } } } else { if (new_data) { lcd_display(); new_data = 0; } else if ((y == Y_MAX - 3) && (x == 0)) { // If the last one was a I/O frame input_clear_events(); } x = 0; y = Y_MAX; SPDR = get_switch_event(); spdr_next = get_rotary_delta(); } return spi_cs; } void lcd_startup() { lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); lcd_gotoxy(0, 0); lcd_puts_p(PSTR("== Internet Radio ==")); lcd_drawLine(0, 9, 120, 9, WHITE); lcd_gotoxy(0, 2); lcd_puts_p(PSTR("Starting up.")); lcd_gotoxy(0, 3); lcd_puts_p(PSTR("Please wait...")); lcd_display(); } int main() { cli(); lcd_startup(); spi_init(); systick_init(); input_init(); _delay_ms(10); while (1) { if (!spi_proc()) { timer_proc(); input_proc(); } } return 0; }