#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #define DEBUG_EN DEBUG_EN using namespace std; // Source: vsim -gui design.top(RTL) // Target: ghdl -m --warn-no-vital-generic --workdir=simu --work=work testb_file // ./testb_file --stop-time=500ns --vcdgz=testb_file.vcdgz // gunzip --stdout testb_file.vcdgz | gtkwave --vcd int run(string args); int run(string args) { FILE *proc; char buf[512]; vector < string > result; proc = popen(args.c_str(), "r"); if (proc == NULL) { cerr << "Error: Could not invoke GHDL/GtkWave." << endl; return 1; } while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), proc)!=NULL){ cout << buf; } return pclose(proc); } string getSimulationTime() { // Very crude but works (for a proof-of-concept anyway^^) FILE *proc; char buf[512]; vector < string > result; string defaultValue = "100ns"; ifstream myfile; char fileTemp[128]; myfile.open ("/tmp/ghdl-simtime"); myfile.getline(fileTemp, sizeof(fileTemp)); myfile.close(); if (string(fileTemp) != "") defaultValue = string(fileTemp); string temp = "zenity --entry --text \"Enter the duration:\" --title \"Simulation time\" --entry-text=\"" + defaultValue + "\""; proc = popen(temp.c_str(), "r"); if (proc == NULL) { cerr << "Error: Could not invoke zenity." << endl; return ""; } while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), proc)!=NULL){ cout << buf; } defaultValue.clear(); char *ptr = buf; while (*ptr != '\0' && *ptr != '\n') { defaultValue.append(" "); defaultValue[defaultValue.length()-1] = *ptr; ptr++; } if (pclose(proc)) { defaultValue = ""; } else { ofstream myfile; myfile.open ("/tmp/ghdl-simtime"); myfile << defaultValue; myfile.flush(); myfile.close(); } return defaultValue; } #define ISOPT(cmd) (string(argv[i]) == cmd) #define GETOPT(cmd) (string(argv[i]) == cmd) && (++i < argc) int main(int argc, char **argv) { string top = ""; string work = ""; string simtime = ""; string ghdlargs = ""; string wvargs = ""; string gtkargs = ""; string gtksave = ""; int i; char tempdir[256] = ""; // Compile dir ifstream myfile; myfile.open ("/tmp/ghdl-workdir"); myfile.getline(tempdir, sizeof(tempdir)); myfile.close(); for (i=1; i < argc; ++i) { if (ISOPT("-gui")) { } else if (GETOPT("-compiledir")) { strcpy(tempdir, argv[i]); } else if (GETOPT("-ghdl")) { ghdlargs = argv[i]; } else if (GETOPT("-rargs")) { wvargs = argv[i]; } else if (GETOPT("-gtkwave")) { gtkargs = argv[i]; } else if (GETOPT("-gtksave")) { gtksave = argv[i]; } else { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { cerr << "INFO: Unknown command line opt: " << argv[i] << endl; } else { top.append(argv[i]); top.append(" "); } } } // -gui work.toplevel(RTL) string temp = ""; for (unsigned int i=0; i < top.length(); ++i) { if (top.at(i) >= 'A' && top.at(i) <= 'Z') top.at(i) = top.at(i) - ('A'-'a'); // convert to lower case if (top.at(i) == '.') { work = temp; temp = ""; } else if (top.at(i) == '(') { top = temp; temp = ""; break; } else { temp.append(" "); temp[temp.length()-1] = top.at(i); } } #ifdef DEBUG_EN cout << "\n\nVSIM CALL PARSED:" << endl; cout << "\twork=" << work << endl; cout << "\ttop=" << top<< endl; cout << "\ttempdir=" << tempdir << endl; #endif if (work == "" || top == "" || string(tempdir) == "") { cerr << "Error: Incomplete/Unsupported vsim call." << endl; return 2; } //bool ex = false; //while (!ex) { cout << "Compiling..." << endl; string cargs = "cd " + string(tempdir) + "; ghdl -m --warn-no-vital-generic " + ghdlargs + " -fexplicit --workdir=" + string(tempdir) + " --work=" + work + " " + top; #ifdef DEBUG_EN cout << "RUN: " << cargs << endl; #endif if (run(cargs)) { cerr << "Error: Compilation failed." << endl; run("zenity --error --text \"Compilation failed.\""); } else { cout << "done." << endl; cargs = ""; string st = getSimulationTime(); if (st != "") { cout << "Simulating..." << endl; #ifdef DEBUG_EN cout << "RUN: " << "cd " + string(tempdir) + "; ./" + top + " " + wvargs + " --stop-time=" + st + " --wave=" + top + ".ghw" << endl; #endif if (run("cd " + string(tempdir) + "; ./" + top + " " + wvargs + " --stop-time=" + st + " --wave=" + top + ".ghw")) { cerr << "Error: Simulation failed." << endl; } else { cout << "==> All done!" << endl; if (gtksave != "") { gtkargs += " --save=\"" + gtksave + "/" + top + ".gtkw\""; } string wv = "gtkwave " + string(tempdir) + "/" + top + ".ghw " + gtkargs + " &"; if (run("pidof gtkwave")) { if (system(wv.c_str())) { cerr << "Error: GtkWave failed."; } else { cout << "GtkWave started." << endl; } } } } } //} //cout << "Simulation ended." << endl; return 0; }