library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.math_real.all; use work.trashernet_types.all; entity trashernet_phy is generic( F_CLK : in integer -- Clock frequency ); port( -- Global clk : in std_logic; -- Global clock rst : in std_logic; -- Asynchronous reset -- Eth rx_data : out byte; -- RX Data rx_data_valid : out std_logic; -- RX Data valid rx_active : out std_logic; -- RX of packet in progress tx_data : in byte; -- TX Data tx_data_en : in std_logic; -- Transmitter enable tx_data_ack : out std_logic; -- Latched data_tx carrier_detect : out std_logic; -- Carrier detected rx_error : out std_logic; -- Receive error -- Ethernet physical signals rx_p : in std_logic; tx_p : out std_logic; tx_n : out std_logic ); end entity trashernet_phy; architecture rtl of trashernet_phy is constant F_ETH : integer := 10000000; begin receiver : block -- Signal conditioning signal rx : std_logic; signal rx_last : std_logic; signal rx_last_static : std_logic; signal rx_edge : std_logic; -- Bit recovery signal bit_value : std_logic; signal bit_stb : std_logic; -- Bytizer signal bit_cnt : integer range 0 to 7; -- NLP supervision constant NLP_TIMEOUT_CNT_MAX : integer := integer(round(real(F_CLK) * 16.0 * 10.0**(-3))); -- Every 16 ms signal nlp_timeout_cnt : integer range 0 to NLP_TIMEOUT_CNT_MAX; begin -- Synchronize RX input synchronizer_inst : entity work.synchronizer port map( clk => clk, rst => rst, data_in => rx_p, data_out => rx ); -- Edge detector for RX (+glitch filter) edgedet : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then rx_last <= '0'; rx_last_static <= '0'; rx_edge <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then rx_edge <= '0'; if (rx_last = rx) then rx_edge <= rx_last_static xor rx; rx_last_static <= rx; end if; rx_last <= rx; end if; end process edgedet; demanchestizer : block -- Transition detector constant BIT_LENGTH_LONG : integer := F_CLK / F_ETH - 1; constant BIT_LENGTH_SHORT : integer := F_CLK / (F_ETH * 2) - 1; constant BIT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE : integer := (F_CLK / F_ETH) / 5; constant BIT_LENGTH_TIMEOUT : integer := BIT_LENGTH_LONG + BIT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE + 1; signal sample_count : integer range 0 to BIT_LENGTH_TIMEOUT; type transition_duration_t is (SHORT, LONG); signal transition_duration : transition_duration_t; signal transition_stb : std_logic; signal transition_activity : std_logic; -- Transition analysis signal last_transition : transition_duration_t; type bit_ev_t is (NONE, TOGGLE, KEEP, ERROR); signal bit_ev : bit_ev_t; -- Bit recovery type demanchestization_state_t is (SYNC, DATA, ERROR); signal demanchestization_state : demanchestization_state_t; begin -- Detects spacing of transitions transition_detector : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then transition_stb <= '0'; sample_count <= 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then transition_stb <= '0'; if rx_edge then if (sample_count = BIT_LENGTH_TIMEOUT) then -- First edge, ignore this transition sample_count <= 0; else if ((sample_count >= BIT_LENGTH_SHORT - BIT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE) and (sample_count <= BIT_LENGTH_SHORT + BIT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE)) then transition_duration <= SHORT; transition_stb <= '1'; sample_count <= 0; elsif ((sample_count >= BIT_LENGTH_LONG - BIT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE) and (sample_count <= BIT_LENGTH_LONG + BIT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE)) then transition_duration <= LONG; transition_stb <= '1'; sample_count <= 0; end if; end if; else if (sample_count /= BIT_LENGTH_TIMEOUT) then sample_count <= sample_count + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process transition_detector; transition_activity <= '1' when sample_count /= BIT_LENGTH_TIMEOUT else '0'; -- Converts the spacing of transitions into a toggle-no-toggle stream transition_analyzer : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then last_transition <= LONG; bit_ev <= NONE; elsif rising_edge(clk) then bit_ev <= NONE; if transition_stb then case last_transition is when LONG => -- @suppress: Exit condition through indirect assignment if transition_duration = LONG then bit_ev <= TOGGLE; end if; last_transition <= transition_duration; when SHORT => if (transition_duration = SHORT) then bit_ev <= KEEP; else bit_ev <= ERROR; end if; last_transition <= LONG; end case; end if; if (not transition_activity) then last_transition <= LONG; end if; end if; end process transition_analyzer; -- Synchronizes the Manchester level to the Ethernet header which is TOGGLE TOGGLE .. TOGGLE NO-TOGGLE for ..1010101011 bit_recovery : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then demanchestization_state <= SYNC; bit_stb <= '0'; rx_active <= '0'; rx_error <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then bit_stb <= '0'; rx_error <= '0'; if (bit_ev /= NONE) then case demanchestization_state is when SYNC => if (bit_ev = KEEP) then bit_value <= '1'; demanchestization_state <= DATA; rx_active <= '1'; end if; when DATA => -- @suppress: Condition outside of case allows to exit this state bit_value <= not bit_value when bit_ev = TOGGLE else bit_value; bit_stb <= '1'; when ERROR => -- @suppress: Condition outside of case allows to exit this state null; end case; end if; if (bit_ev = ERROR) then rx_error <= '1'; demanchestization_state <= ERROR; end if; if (not transition_activity) then demanchestization_state <= SYNC; rx_active <= '0'; end if; end if; end process bit_recovery; end block demanchestizer; -- Latches data into an 8-bit vector bytizer : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then rx_data_valid <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then rx_data_valid <= '0'; if rx_active then if (bit_stb) then rx_data <= bit_value & rx_data(rx_data'high downto rx_data'low + 1); if (bit_cnt = 7) then rx_data_valid <= '1'; bit_cnt <= 0; else bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1; end if; end if; else bit_cnt <= 0; end if; end if; end process bytizer; -- Supervises for NLP or data presence nlp_timeout_p : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then nlp_timeout_cnt <= 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if rx_edge then -- Technically, we should use only the rising edge here, but a project called `trashernet` probably won't mind ;) nlp_timeout_cnt <= NLP_TIMEOUT_CNT_MAX; else if (nlp_timeout_cnt /= 0) then nlp_timeout_cnt <= nlp_timeout_cnt - 1; end if; end if; end if; end process nlp_timeout_p; carrier_detect <= '1' when nlp_timeout_cnt /= 0 else '0'; end block receiver; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- transmitter : block constant TX_STB_CNT_MAX : integer := F_CLK / (F_ETH * 2) - 1; signal tx_stb_cnt : integer range 0 to TX_STB_CNT_MAX; type tx_state_t is (IDLE, NLP, TX, IPG); signal tx_state : tx_state_t; signal sr : std_logic_vector(tx_data'range); signal bit_stage : std_logic; constant BIT_CNT_MAX_NLP : integer := 16000 / 100; -- 16 ms (timebase 100 ns) constant BIT_CNT_MAX_IPG : integer := 96; constant BIT_CNT_MAX_DATA : integer := sr'length - 1; signal bit_cnt : integer range 0 to maximum(maximum(BIT_CNT_MAX_NLP, BIT_CNT_MAX_DATA), BIT_CNT_MAX_IPG); type tx_mode_t is (OFF, NLP, ACTIVE); signal tx_mode : tx_mode_t; begin tx_main : process(clk, rst) is procedure transmit_byte is begin tx_state <= TX; tx_mode <= ACTIVE; sr <= tx_data; bit_stage <= '0'; bit_cnt <= BIT_CNT_MAX_DATA; tx_data_ack <= '0'; end procedure transmit_byte; procedure transmit_ipg is begin tx_state <= IPG; tx_mode <= OFF; bit_cnt <= BIT_CNT_MAX_IPG; bit_stage <= '0'; end procedure transmit_ipg; procedure transmit_nlp is begin tx_state <= NLP; tx_mode <= NLP; end procedure transmit_nlp; procedure go_idle is begin tx_state <= IDLE; tx_mode <= OFF; bit_cnt <= BIT_CNT_MAX_NLP; bit_stage <= '0'; end procedure go_idle; variable tx_stb : std_logic; -- Strobe every 50 ns (20 MHz) begin if rst then tx_data_ack <= '0'; tx_stb_cnt <= TX_STB_CNT_MAX; tx_mode <= OFF; go_idle; elsif rising_edge(clk) then tx_data_ack <= '0'; if tx_stb_cnt = 0 then tx_stb_cnt <= TX_STB_CNT_MAX; else tx_stb_cnt <= tx_stb_cnt - 1; end if; tx_stb := '1' when tx_stb_cnt = 0 else '0'; if tx_stb then bit_stage <= not bit_stage; end if; if tx_stb and bit_stage then -- 100 ns (1 bit) if (bit_cnt /= 0) then bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1; end if; end if; case tx_state is when IDLE => if tx_data_en then -- New packet to TX transmit_byte; tx_stb_cnt <= TX_STB_CNT_MAX; -- resync elsif bit_cnt = 0 then -- NLP timeout transmit_nlp; --bit_cnt <= 1; Let's save some resources here... bit_stage <= '0'; tx_stb_cnt <= TX_STB_CNT_MAX; -- resync end if; when NLP => if tx_stb and bit_stage then -- 100 ns duration go_idle; end if; when TX => if tx_stb then if (bit_stage = '1') then sr <= '0' & sr(sr'high downto sr'low + 1); if bit_cnt = 0 then if tx_data_en then transmit_byte; else transmit_ipg; end if; end if; end if; end if; when IPG => if bit_cnt = 0 then go_idle; end if; end case; end if; end process tx_main; driver : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst then tx_p <= '0'; tx_n <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then case tx_mode is when OFF => tx_p <= '0'; tx_n <= '0'; when NLP => tx_p <= '1'; tx_n <= '0'; when ACTIVE => tx_p <= sr(sr'low) xor bit_stage; tx_n <= not (sr(sr'low) xor bit_stage); end case; end if; end process driver; end block transmitter; end architecture rtl;