-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WS2812B CONTROLLER FOR FPGAS -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ws2812b_phy.vhd : Low level driver for the WorldSemi WS2812B RGB LEDs. -- Handles bit timing and command separation. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author : Markus Koch -- Contributors : None -- Created on : 2016/10/16 -- License : Mozilla Public License (MPL) Version 2 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity ws2812b_phy is generic( f_clk : natural := 50000000; T0H : real := 0.00000035; T1H : real := 0.0000009; T0L : real := 0.0000009; T1L : real := 0.00000035; DEL : real := 0.0000000; -- 0.0000001 RES : real := 0.00005000 -- Must be bigger than others ); port( -- Global Signals clk : in std_logic; -- System clock @ f_clk rst : in std_logic; -- Asynchronous reset -- Hardware Connection so : out std_logic; -- Serial output to WS2812B -- Data Link pixData_red : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pixData_green : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pixData_blue : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pixData_valid : in std_logic; pixData_next : out std_logic ); end entity ws2812b_phy; architecture RTL of ws2812b_phy is -- WS2812B Bit Encoder Signals and Definitions constant CYC_T0H : natural := natural(T0H / (real(1) / real(f_clk))) - 1; constant CYC_T1H : natural := natural(T1H / (real(1) / real(f_clk))) - 1; constant CYC_T0L : natural := natural(T0L / (real(1) / real(f_clk))) - 1; constant CYC_T1L : natural := natural(T1L / (real(1) / real(f_clk))) - 1; constant CYC_DEL : natural := natural(DEL / (real(1) / real(f_clk))) - 1; constant CYC_RES : natural := natural(RES / (real(1) / real(f_clk))) - 1; type state_t is (HIGH, LOW); signal bitState : state_t; signal bitCnt : integer range 0 to CYC_RES; -- Timing counter signal bitData_i : std_logic; signal bitData : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- 00: send 0
01: send 1
10: send reset
11: send led-separator signal bitData_valid : std_logic; -- Applied data is valid -> TX request (keep valid until data_next) signal bitData_next : std_logic; -- Apply next bit or release valid to terminate transmission -- Serializer Signals and Definitions signal shiftreg : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal pixCnt : integer range 0 to 25; begin -- ----------------------- -- WS2812B Bit Encoder -- ----------------------- bitEncoder : process(rst, clk) is begin if rst = '1' then bitCnt <= 0; bitState <= LOW; bitData_next <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then bitData_next <= '0'; if bitCnt /= 0 then bitCnt <= bitCnt - 1; end if; case bitState is when HIGH => if bitCnt = 0 then bitState <= LOW; if bitData_i = '0' then bitCnt <= CYC_T0L; else bitCnt <= CYC_T1L; end if; end if; when LOW => if bitCnt = 0 then if bitData_valid = '1' then bitData_next <= '1'; bitData_i <= bitData(0); if bitData(0) = '0' then bitCnt <= CYC_T0H; else bitCnt <= CYC_T1H; end if; if bitData(1) = '0' then bitState <= HIGH; else if bitData(0) = '0' then bitCnt <= CYC_RES; else bitCnt <= CYC_DEL; end if; bitState <= LOW; end if; end if; end if; end case; end if; end process bitEncoder; so <= '1' when bitState = HIGH else '0'; -- ----------------------- -- Pixel Data Serializer -- ----------------------- pixSerializer : process(rst, clk) is begin if rst = '1' then bitData_valid <= '0'; pixData_next <= '0'; pixCnt <= 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then pixData_next <= '0'; if bitData_next = '1' then pixCnt <= pixCnt - 1; if pixCnt = 2 then -- End of data bitData(1) <= '1'; -- Control sequence if pixData_valid = '1' then shiftreg(23) <= '1'; -- Trigger DEL sequence report "WS2812B: Send DELAY" severity note; else shiftreg(23) <= '0'; -- Trigger RES sequence report "WS2812B: Send RESET" severity note; pixData_next <= '1'; -- Acknowledge that the reset has been latched end if; elsif pixCnt = 1 then -- End of control bitData_valid <= '0'; else shiftreg <= shiftreg(22 downto 0) & '0'; end if; end if; if pixCnt = 0 then -- End of DEL pixCnt <= pixCnt; if pixData_valid = '1' then report "WS2812B: Latch pixel data" severity note; pixData_next <= '1'; shiftreg <= pixData_green & pixData_red & pixData_blue; bitData_valid <= '1'; pixCnt <= 25; bitData(1) <= '0'; -- Data bit -- else -- bitData(1) <= '1'; -- Control sequence -- shiftreg(23) <= '1'; -- Trigger RES sequence end if; end if; end if; end process pixSerializer; bitData(0) <= shiftreg(23); end architecture RTL;