Draw trains

Trains get drawn now as small circles, the line number gets drawn next
to the train. Moving trains are green, stopped trains are orange.
Gabriel Pérez-Cerezo 2019-02-21 12:29:00 +01:00
parent b6c5604dcf
commit 61fbbc5909
1 changed files with 17 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ if type(tbl) ~= "table" then
error("not a table") error("not a table")
end end
if tbl.version then if tbl.version then
advtrains.trains = tbl.trains
advtrains.ndb.load_data(tbl.ndb) advtrains.ndb.load_data(tbl.ndb)
else else
@ -302,7 +302,23 @@ while stpos do
stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point() stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point()
end end
-- draw trains
trains = 0
for i,v in pairs(advtrains.trains) do
pos = v.last_pos
color = "green"
if v.velocity == 0 then
color = "orange"
svgfile:write("<circle cx=\""..pos.x.."\" cy=\""..-pos.z.."\" r=\"3\" stroke=\""..color.."\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" />")
if v.line then
svgfile:write(" <text x=\""..(pos.x+5).."\" y=\""..-pos.z.."\" class=\"trainline\">"..v.line.."</text>")
trains = trains+1
svgfile:write("</svg>") svgfile:write("</svg>")
svgfile:close() svgfile:close()
print("\nWrote",plcnt,"polylines. Processed", ndb_nodes_handled, "track,",ndb_nodes_notrack, "non-track nodes out of", ndb_nodes_total) print("\nWrote",plcnt,"polylines. Processed", ndb_nodes_handled, "track,",ndb_nodes_notrack, "non-track nodes out of", ndb_nodes_total)
print("Drew "..trains.." trains")