Handle tcb sides properly

Gabriel Pérez-Cerezo 2020-07-02 18:42:21 +02:00
parent 2ba5a52fe2
commit 9f2bc5f4f1
1 changed files with 33 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -93,39 +93,46 @@ for k,v in pairs(advtrains.tcbs) do
for j in (pos..","):gmatch("([^,]+),") do for j in (pos..","):gmatch("([^,]+),") do
sp[#sp+1] = j sp[#sp+1] = j
end end
local sigpos = sp[1]..","..-sp[3].." "
local routestr = {} local tcbsidestr = {}
for i,r in pairs(routes) do local hasroutes = false
local pl = sigpos for s=1,2 do
local routestr = {}
local side = v[s]
local routes = side.routes or {}
local signame = side.signal_name or ""
local auto = nil
local tcbps = {} for i,r in pairs(routes) do
-- svgfile:write("<circle cx=\""..sp[1].."\" cy=\""..-sp[3].."\" r=\"3\" stroke=\"".."purple".."\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" />") hasroutes = true
for ind,ps in ipairs(r) do
if ps.next then local tcbps = {}
local tcb = ps.next.p local tcbs = {}
-- print(minetest.serialize(ps.next)) -- svgfile:write("<circle cx=\""..sp[1].."\" cy=\""..-sp[3].."\" r=\"3\" stroke=\"".."purple".."\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" />")
if tcb and tcb.x then for ind,ps in ipairs(r) do
tcbps[#tcbps+1] = tcb.x..","..tcb.y..","..tcb.z if ps.next then
pl = pl.." "..tcb.x..","..-tcb.z local tcb = ps.next.p
-- print(minetest.serialize(ps.next))
if tcb and tcb.x then
tcbps[#tcbps+1] = tcb.x..","..tcb.y..","..tcb.z
tcbs[#tcbs+1] = ps.next.s
end end
end end
local auto = '"auto": false'
if side.routeset and i == side.routeset and side.route_auto then
auto = '"auto": true'
if #tcbps > 0 then
routestr[#routestr+1] = '{ "name": "'..r.name..'",\n"endpoint": "'..tcbps[#tcbps]..'",\n"ars": '..ars_to_text(r.ars)..","..auto..', "endpoint_side": '..tcbs[#tcbs]..' }'
end end
tcbsidestr[#tcbsidestr+1] = '{ "routes": [ '..table.concat(routestr, ",\n")..' ], "signal_name": "'..signame..'"}'
if #tcbps > 0 then
routestr[#routestr+1] = '{ "name": "'..r.name..'",\n"endpoint": "'..tcbps[#tcbps]..'",\n"ars": '..ars_to_text(r.ars)..' }'
color = "blue"
if r.ars and r.ars.default then
color = "green"
if pl~="" then
-- svgfile:write("<polyline points=\""..pl.."\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\""..color.."\" />")
end end
if #routestr > 0 then if hasroutes then
tcbstr[#tcbstr+1] = '"'..pos..'": { "type" : "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ '..sp[1]..","..sp[3]..']}, "properties" : { "pos": "'..pos..'", "routes" : [\n'..table.concat(routestr,",\n").."]}}" tcbstr[#tcbstr+1] = '"'..pos..'": { "type" : "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ '..sp[1]..","..sp[3]..']}, "properties" : { "pos": "'..pos..'", "sides" : [\n'..table.concat(tcbsidestr,",\n").."]}}"
end end
end end
jsonfile:write("{"..table.concat(tcbstr,",\n").."}") jsonfile:write("{"..table.concat(tcbstr,",\n").."}")
jsonfile:close() jsonfile:close()