Handle possible NULL-pointers for paths when rehashing the route

Markus Koch 2021-03-13 12:08:43 +01:00
parent 50c39a52bb
commit b12da0e421
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -254,6 +254,14 @@ int dijkstra_search_route_to_geojson(struct dijkstra_search *search,
if (node_last) {
path_to_this = search->states[node_last->uid]->cheapest_path;
path_to_next = search->states[node->uid]->cheapest_path;
if (!path_to_next) {
report(LL_CRITICAL, "INTERNAL ERROR: path_to_next is NULL");
if (!path_to_this) {
// This happens at the very beginning.
path_to_this = path_to_next; // Pretend we were already where we started.
heading = atan2f((node->position.y - node_last->position.y), (node->position.x - node_last->position.x)) / (M_PI * 2) * 360;
if (heading < 0.0)