Markus Koch 657867309e Improve center-on-block feature
6284c9d8b4 introduced a feature to
center coordinate data on blocks by shifting the actual waypoints.
The problem with that approach is that it actually changes the
coordinates returned by any subsequent query to that geojson entry,
leading to coordinates like [0.5, 0.5] instead of [0, 0].

This commit removes the old translation code and instead shifts the
entire map. This means waypoints are still correct, and only the
visuals are affected. The correctness of new coordinate mapping has
been verified in-game and using the origin marker.
2020-04-19 07:38:41 +02:00

142 lines
3.6 KiB

const queryString =;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
if (urlParams.has('editor')) {
var draw_layer;
var polyline;
var edit_active = 0;
function resolve_latlng(latlng, recenter = 0) {
latlng.lng = Math.round(latlng.lng); = Math.round(;
return latlng;
function start_editing(e) {
// TODO: Check whether we already are in edit mode
// TODO: Detect whether we are cloner to the tail or the head, and issue Fwd or Bwd accordingly
if (polyline)
polyline = mymap.editTools.startPolyline();
function strToPoints(str) {
var temp = JSON.parse("[" + str + "]"); // TODO: add .5 everwhere
return temp;
function onDragEnd(e) {
var latlngs = polyline.getLatLngs();
for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
latlngs[i] = resolve_latlng(latlngs[i], 1);
location.hash = get_location_string();
function onLoad(interactive = 1) {
if (interactive) {
str = prompt("Instructions: \n" +
"* Click the scribble-icon in the top left to start or continue drawing.\n" +
"* Double click last waypoint to stop.\n" +
"* Double click a waypoint to delete it.\n" +
"* Click save in the top right to get the new string.\n\n" +
"Enter existing waypoints in the following format: [x,y],[x,y]:", window.location.hash.slice(1));
} else {
str = window.location.hash.slice(1);
if (str) {
coords = strToPoints(str);
for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
coords[i] = [coords[i][1], coords[i][0]];
polyline = L.polyline(coords).addTo(mymap);
// polyline.on('dragend', onDragEnd); // TODO: Doesn't work, see "workaround" below
function onHashChange() {
if (("#" + get_location_string()) != window.location.hash) {
window.addEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange, false);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", onDragEnd, false); // Workaround as polyline.on(dragend, ) doesn't seem to work
// Configure map for better editing
mymap.setMaxZoom(14);'click', onMapClick);
function get_location_string() {
var latlngs = polyline.getLatLngs();
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
latlng = resolve_latlng(latlngs[i], 1);
if (i != 0)
str += ",";
str += "[" + (latlng.lng) + "," + ( + "]";
return str;
function show_location_string(e) {
prompt("Copy this string back into the Wiki and wait for a few hours:", get_location_string());
L.EditControl = L.Control.extend({
options: {
position: 'topleft',
callback: null,
kind: '',
html: ''
onAdd: function (map) {
var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-control leaflet-bar'),
link = L.DomUtil.create('a', '', container);
link.href = '#';
link.title = this.options.title;
link.innerHTML = this.options.html;
L.DomEvent.on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop)
.on(link, 'click', function () {
window.LAYER =;
}, this);
return container;
L.StartEditControl = L.EditControl.extend({
options: {
position: 'topleft',
callback: start_editing,
title: 'Start editing',
html: '\\/\\'
L.NewLineControl = L.EditControl.extend({
options: {
position: 'topleft',
callback: show_location_string,
title: 'Get location string',
html: '💾'
mymap.addControl(new L.NewLineControl());
mymap.addControl(new L.StartEditControl());