// Modified from ansi-to-html (rburns): https://github.com/rburns/ansi-to-html // Changes: Removed Node dependencies (breaks XML escape feature) 'use strict'; const defaults = { fg: '#FFF', bg: '#000', newline: false, escapeXML: false, stream: false, colors: getDefaultColors() }; function getDefaultColors() { const colors = { 0: '#000', 1: '#A00', 2: '#0A0', 3: '#A50', 4: '#00A', 5: '#A0A', 6: '#0AA', 7: '#AAA', 8: '#555', 9: '#F55', 10: '#5F5', 11: '#FF5', 12: '#55F', 13: '#F5F', 14: '#5FF', 15: '#FFF' }; range(0, 5).forEach(red => { range(0, 5).forEach(green => { range(0, 5).forEach(blue => setStyleColor(red, green, blue, colors)); }); }); range(0, 23).forEach(function (gray) { const c = gray + 232; const l = toHexString(gray * 10 + 8); colors[c] = '#' + l + l + l; }); return colors; } /** * @param {number} red * @param {number} green * @param {number} blue * @param {object} colors */ function setStyleColor(red, green, blue, colors) { const c = 16 + (red * 36) + (green * 6) + blue; const r = red > 0 ? red * 40 + 55 : 0; const g = green > 0 ? green * 40 + 55 : 0; const b = blue > 0 ? blue * 40 + 55 : 0; colors[c] = toColorHexString([r, g, b]); } /** * Converts from a number like 15 to a hex string like 'F' * @param {number} num * @returns {string} */ function toHexString(num) { let str = num.toString(16); while (str.length < 2) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } /** * Converts from an array of numbers like [15, 15, 15] to a hex string like 'FFF' * @param {[red, green, blue]} ref * @returns {string} */ function toColorHexString(ref) { const results = []; for (const r of ref) { results.push(toHexString(r)); } return '#' + results.join(''); } /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {string} token * @param {*} data * @param {object} options */ function generateOutput(stack, token, data, options) { let result; if (token === 'text') { result = pushText(data, options); } else if (token === 'display') { result = handleDisplay(stack, data, options); } else if (token === 'xterm256Foreground') { result = pushForegroundColor(stack, options.colors[data]); } else if (token === 'xterm256Background') { result = pushBackgroundColor(stack, options.colors[data]); } else if (token === 'rgb') { result = handleRgb(stack, data); } return result; } /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {string} data * @returns {*} */ function handleRgb(stack, data) { data = data.substring(2).slice(0, -1); const operation = +data.substr(0, 2); const color = data.substring(5).split(';'); const rgb = color.map(function (value) { return ('0' + Number(value).toString(16)).substr(-2); }).join(''); return pushStyle(stack, (operation === 38 ? 'color:#' : 'background-color:#') + rgb); } /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {number} code * @param {object} options * @returns {*} */ function handleDisplay(stack, code, options) { code = parseInt(code, 10); const codeMap = { '-1': () => '
', 0: () => stack.length && resetStyles(stack), 1: () => pushTag(stack, 'b'), 3: () => pushTag(stack, 'i'), 4: () => pushTag(stack, 'u'), 8: () => pushStyle(stack, 'display:none'), 9: () => pushTag(stack, 'strike'), 22: () => pushStyle(stack, 'font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;font-style:normal'), 23: () => closeTag(stack, 'i'), 24: () => closeTag(stack, 'u'), 39: () => pushForegroundColor(stack, options.fg), 49: () => pushBackgroundColor(stack, options.bg), 53: () => pushStyle(stack, 'text-decoration:overline') }; let result; if (codeMap[code]) { result = codeMap[code](); } else if (4 < code && code < 7) { result = pushTag(stack, 'blink'); } else if (29 < code && code < 38) { result = pushForegroundColor(stack, options.colors[code - 30]); } else if ((39 < code && code < 48)) { result = pushBackgroundColor(stack, options.colors[code - 40]); } else if ((89 < code && code < 98)) { result = pushForegroundColor(stack, options.colors[8 + (code - 90)]); } else if ((99 < code && code < 108)) { result = pushBackgroundColor(stack, options.colors[8 + (code - 100)]); } return result; } /** * Clear all the styles * @returns {string} */ function resetStyles(stack) { const stackClone = stack.slice(0); stack.length = 0; return stackClone.reverse().map(function (tag) { return ''; }).join(''); } /** * Creates an array of numbers ranging from low to high * @param {number} low * @param {number} high * @returns {Array} * @example range(3, 7); // creates [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] */ function range(low, high) { const results = []; for (let j = low; j <= high; j++) { results.push(j); } return results; } /** * Returns a new function that is true if value is NOT the same category * @param {string} category * @returns {function} */ function notCategory(category) { return function (e) { return (category === null || e.category !== category) && category !== 'all'; }; } /** * Converts a code into an ansi token type * @param {number} code * @returns {string} */ function categoryForCode(code) { code = parseInt(code, 10); let result = null; if (code === 0) { result = 'all'; } else if (code === 1) { result = 'bold'; } else if ((2 < code && code < 5)) { result = 'underline'; } else if ((4 < code && code < 7)) { result = 'blink'; } else if (code === 8) { result = 'hide'; } else if (code === 9) { result = 'strike'; } else if ((29 < code && code < 38) || code === 39 || (89 < code && code < 98)) { result = 'foreground-color'; } else if ((39 < code && code < 48) || code === 49 || (99 < code && code < 108)) { result = 'background-color'; } return result; } /** * @param {string} text * @param {object} options * @returns {string} */ function pushText(text, options) { if (options.escapeXML) { console.log("EscapeXML not supported."); } return text; } /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {string} tag * @param {string} [style=''] * @returns {string} */ function pushTag(stack, tag, style) { if (!style) { style = ''; } stack.push(tag); return `<${tag}${style ? ` style="${style}"` : ''}>`; } /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {string} style * @returns {string} */ function pushStyle(stack, style) { return pushTag(stack, 'span', style); } function pushForegroundColor(stack, color) { return pushTag(stack, 'span', 'color:' + color); } function pushBackgroundColor(stack, color) { return pushTag(stack, 'span', 'background-color:' + color); } /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {string} style * @returns {string} */ function closeTag(stack, style) { let last; if (stack.slice(-1)[0] === style) { last = stack.pop(); } if (last) { return ''; } } /** * @param {string} text * @param {object} options * @param {function} callback * @returns {Array} */ function tokenize(text, options, callback) { let ansiMatch = false; const ansiHandler = 3; function remove() { return ''; } function removeXterm256Foreground(m, g1) { callback('xterm256Foreground', g1); return ''; } function removeXterm256Background(m, g1) { callback('xterm256Background', g1); return ''; } function newline(m) { if (options.newline) { callback('display', -1); } else { callback('text', m); } return ''; } function ansiMess(m, g1) { ansiMatch = true; if (g1.trim().length === 0) { g1 = '0'; } g1 = g1.trimRight(';').split(';'); for (const g of g1) { callback('display', g); } return ''; } function realText(m) { callback('text', m); return ''; } function rgb(m) { callback('rgb', m); return ''; } /* eslint no-control-regex:0 */ const tokens = [{ pattern: /^\x08+/, sub: remove }, { pattern: /^\x1b\[[012]?K/, sub: remove }, { pattern: /^\x1b\[\(B/, sub: remove }, { pattern: /^\x1b\[[34]8;2;\d+;\d+;\d+m/, sub: rgb }, { pattern: /^\x1b\[38;5;(\d+)m/, sub: removeXterm256Foreground }, { pattern: /^\x1b\[48;5;(\d+)m/, sub: removeXterm256Background }, { pattern: /^\n/, sub: newline }, { pattern: /^\r+\n/, sub: newline }, { pattern: /^\r/, sub: newline }, { pattern: /^\x1b\[((?:\d{1,3};?)+|)m/, sub: ansiMess }, { // CSI n J // ED - Erase in Display Clears part of the screen. // If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor to end of screen. // If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the screen. // If n is 2, clear entire screen (and moves cursor to upper left on DOS ANSI.SYS). // If n is 3, clear entire screen and delete all lines saved in the scrollback buffer // (this feature was added for xterm and is supported by other terminal applications). pattern: /^\x1b\[\d?J/, sub: remove }, { // CSI n ; m f // HVP - Horizontal Vertical Position Same as CUP pattern: /^\x1b\[\d{0,3};\d{0,3}f/, sub: remove }, { // catch-all for CSI sequences? pattern: /^\x1b\[?[\d;]{0,3}/, sub: remove }, { /** * extracts real text - not containing: * - `\x1b' - ESC - escape (Ascii 27) * - '\x08' - BS - backspace (Ascii 8) * - `\n` - Newline - linefeed (LF) (ascii 10) * - `\r` - Windows Carriage Return (CR) */ pattern: /^(([^\x1b\x08\r\n])+)/, sub: realText }]; function process(handler, i) { if (i > ansiHandler && ansiMatch) { return; } ansiMatch = false; text = text.replace(handler.pattern, handler.sub); } const results1 = []; let {length} = text; outer: while (length > 0) { for (let i = 0, o = 0, len = tokens.length; o < len; i = ++o) { const handler = tokens[i]; process(handler, i); if (text.length !== length) { // We matched a token and removed it from the text. We need to // start matching *all* tokens against the new text. length = text.length; continue outer; } } if (text.length === length) { break; } results1.push(0); length = text.length; } return results1; } /** * If streaming, then the stack is "sticky" * * @param {Array} stickyStack * @param {string} token * @param {*} data * @returns {Array} */ function updateStickyStack(stickyStack, token, data) { if (token !== 'text') { stickyStack = stickyStack.filter(notCategory(categoryForCode(data))); stickyStack.push({token, data, category: categoryForCode(data)}); } return stickyStack; } class Filter { /** * @param {object} options * @param {string=} options.fg The default foreground color used when reset color codes are encountered. * @param {string=} options.bg The default background color used when reset color codes are encountered. * @param {boolean=} options.newline Convert newline characters to `
`. * @param {boolean=} options.escapeXML Generate HTML/XML entities. * @param {boolean=} options.stream Save style state across invocations of `toHtml()`. * @param {(string[] | {[code: number]: string})=} options.colors Can override specific colors or the entire ANSI palette. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; if (options.colors) { options.colors = Object.assign({}, defaults.colors, options.colors); } this.options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options); this.stack = []; this.stickyStack = []; } /** * @param {string | string[]} input * @returns {string} */ toHtml(input) { input = typeof input === 'string' ? [input] : input; const {stack, options} = this; const buf = []; this.stickyStack.forEach(element => { const output = generateOutput(stack, element.token, element.data, options); if (output) { buf.push(output); } }); tokenize(input.join(''), options, (token, data) => { const output = generateOutput(stack, token, data, options); if (output) { buf.push(output); } if (options.stream) { this.stickyStack = updateStickyStack(this.stickyStack, token, data); } }); if (stack.length) { buf.push(resetStyles(stack)); } return buf.join(''); } } module.exports = Filter;