# include "/etc/nanorc.d/gitcommit.nanorc" ## syntax highlighting for git commit messages of KDE projects syntax "patch" ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG$" # overlong lines color brightred "^.{70,}.+$" # KDE commit hook keywords, see: http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/GitKdeOrgManual#Commit_hook_keywords color yellow "^(FEATURE|BUG|CCBUG|FIXED-IN|CCMAIL|REVIEW|GUI|DIGEST):.*$" color yellow "(SVN_SILENT|GIT_SILENT|SVN_MERGE)" # comment color blue "^#.*$" # special comment lines color green "^# Changes to be committed:" color red "^# Changes not staged for commit:" color brightblue "^# Untracked files:" color brightblue "^# On branch .+$" color brightblue "^# Your branch is ahead of .+$" # diff files # meh - cannot match against \t ... should be: ^#\t.*$ color cyan "^#[^ a-zA-Z0-9][^ ].*$"