#!/bin/bash MEDIA_ID="$1" MODE="append" DEV="/dev/nst0" LIB="./lib.csv" if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MODE="$2" fi function info() { echo -e "\e[34m[I] $1\e[0m" } function warn() { echo -e "\e[33m[W] $1\e[0m" } function err() { echo -e "\e[31m[E] $1\e[0m" } function succ() { echo -e "\e[32m[ ] $1\e[0m" } if [ "$MEDIA_ID" == "" ]; then echo "usage: $0 [rewind]" exit fi info "Backing up new directories to $MEDIA_ID in $DEV." if [ ! -f "$LIB" ]; then echo "Directory;Media ID;Date" > $LIB fi info "Configuring tape drive" # mt-st -f $DEV stsetoptions scsi2logical mt-st -f $DEV compression 0 if [ "$MODE" == "append" ]; then info "Append to end of data? [ctrl+c to cancel]" read a mt-st -f $DEV eod elif [ "$MODE" == "here" ]; then info "Appending to tape at current position. This may overwrite existing data. Are you sure? [ctrl+c to cancel]" read a else warn "Rewinding tape. This will delete all existing data on tape. Are you sure? [ctrl+c to cancel]" read a mt-st -f $DEV rewind fi skipped=0 for dir in *; do if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then continue fi exist=`cat "$LIB" | grep "^$dir;"` if [ "$exist" != "" ]; then info "Skipping $dir. Already backed up: $exist" continue fi echo "" info "Attempting to backup $dir" lsize=`du -s "$dir" | sed "s/\s.*//"` lsize=$(($lsize / 1024)) rsize=`sg_logs -a $DEV | sed -n 's/\s*Main partition remaining capacity (in MiB):\s*\(.*\)/\1/p'` if [ $lsize -gt $rsize ]; then skipped=$((skipped+1)) warn "Not enough space left on device (${rsize} MB remaining, ${lsize} MB required). Trying next directory." continue; fi info "Appending $dir to tape ($lsize MB, $rsize MB available)" tar cvO "$dir" | dd of=$DEV bs=512k if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then err "An error occured writing the backup to tape. Aborting." exit fi date=`date` echo "$dir;$MEDIA_ID;$date" >> $LIB done info "Rewinding and ejecting tape" mt-st -f $DEV rewoff echo "" if [ $skipped -eq 0 ]; then succ "Backup complete. All directories are on tape." else succ "Tape complete, but there is more data to be backed up." warn "Insert a new tape and rerun the script to complete the backup." fi