MainWindow 0 0 880 600 640 480 KonaClient /* background-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 255), stop:1 rgba(122, 122, 122, 255));*/ true 0 0 663 533 6 0 0 880 25 &File &View &Widgets &Help Qt::LeftToRight false QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures Search 1 Remember to replace spaces per underscores. For example "Suzumiya Haruhi" -> suzumiya_haruhi You can use * as a wildcard. For example "higurashi*" Enter tags seperated by a space. Search in posts &Posts Search in pools P&ools Qt::LeftToRight Navigation 1 Jump to page: 1 1 false Go! Tags 1 0 0 true 0 0 194 304 [Tags] Qt::Vertical 20 1000 &Quit true true &Search Alt+S true true &Navigation Alt+N true true &Tags Alt+T btnSearchPosts clicked() MainWindow searchPosts() 58 117 69 148 btnSearchPools clicked() MainWindow searchPools() 172 119 200 146 txtSearch returnPressed() MainWindow searchPosts() 146 83 26 145 btnJump clicked() MainWindow jumpToPage() 186 232 285 348 lblTags linkActivated(QString) MainWindow tagClicked(QString) 61 298 200 558 tagsWidget visibilityChanged(bool) actionTags setChecked(bool) 127 265 282 261 actionTags toggled(bool) tagsWidget setVisible(bool) -1 -1 97 412 searchWidget visibilityChanged(bool) actionSearch setChecked(bool) 97 82 -1 -1 actionSearch toggled(bool) searchWidget setVisible(bool) -1 -1 97 82 navigationWidget visibilityChanged(bool) actionNavigation setChecked(bool) 97 193 97 82 actionNavigation toggled(bool) navigationWidget setVisible(bool) -1 -1 97 193 actionQuit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 439 299 searchPosts() searchPools() jumpToPage() tagClicked(QString)