#include "konasearch.h" #include #include KonaSearch::KonaSearch(KonaClient *Kc, QString Tags, int Page, int Limit) { // Reset searchIsDone = false; // Copy search info to RAM kc = Kc; tags = Tags; page = Page; if (Limit < 100) { limit = Limit; } else { limit = 100; } // Initialize temp file int fileID = 0; file = new QFile(kc->getTempDir() + SLASH + "search_0"); while (file->exists()) { fileID++; file->setFileName(kc->getTempDir() + SLASH + "search_" + QString::number(fileID)); } // Prepare HTTP http = new QHttp(kc->getServer()); connect(http, SIGNAL(responseHeaderReceived(QHttpResponseHeader)), this, SLOT(responseHeaderReceived(QHttpResponseHeader))); connect(http, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int,bool)), this, SLOT(requestFinished())); // Search if (limit == 0) { searchIsDone = true; file->close(); } else { searchAgain(); } } KonaSearch::~KonaSearch() { file->close(); file->remove(); file->deleteLater(); http->closeConnection(); http->close(); http->deleteLater(); } void KonaSearch::newSearch(QString Tags, int Page, int Limit) { // Reset searchIsDone = false; result.clear(); // Update search info to RAM tags = Tags; page = Page; if (Limit < 100) { limit = Limit; } else { limit = 100; } file->close(); file->remove(); file->open(QFile::ReadWrite); searchAgain(); } void KonaSearch::searchAgain() { searchIsDone = false; file->close(); statusCode = 0; if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { qDebug() << "KonaSearch: ERROR: Can't open temp file for search!"; emit searchFailed(this, ERROR_SEARCH_TEMPFILE); return; } QUrl url("/post/index.xml?limit=" + QString::number(limit) + "&page=" + QString::number(page) + "&tags=" + tags); http->get(url.toString(), file); } void KonaSearch::requestFinished() { if (statusCode == 200) { file->flush(); file->reset(); QDomDocument doc ("search"); if (!doc.setContent(file)) { qDebug() << "KonaSearch: ERROR: Can't parse xml!"; searchIsDone = true; emit searchFailed(this, ERROR_SEARCH_XML); file->close(); file->remove(); return; } file->close(); file->remove(); // We don't need it anymore QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if (root.tagName() != "posts") { qDebug() << "KonaSearch: ERROR: Wrong root element!"; searchIsDone = true; emit searchFailed(this, ERROR_SEARCH_FORMAT); return; } QDomElement el = root.firstChildElement("post"); if (el.isNull()) { qDebug() << "KonaSearch: ERROR: Couldn't get first element!"; searchIsDone = true; emit searchFailed(this, ERROR_SEARCH_FORMAT); return; } totalImages = root.attribute("count","-1").toInt(); offset = root.attribute("offset","-1").toInt(); #define toBool(a) (a == "true" ? true : false) int x = 0; while (!el.isNull()) { QStringList Tags = el.attribute("tags", "").split(" "); result.append(new KonaImage(kc, el.attribute("id", "-1").toInt(), Tags, el.attribute("created_at", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("creator_id", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("author", ""), el.attribute("change","-1").toInt(), el.attribute("source", ""), el.attribute("score", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("md5"), el.attribute("file_size", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("file_url", ""), toBool(el.attribute("is_shown_in_index", "")), el.attribute("preview_url", ""), el.attribute("preview_width", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("preview_height", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("actual_preview_width", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("actual_preview_height", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("sample_url", ""), el.attribute("sample_width", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("sample_height", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("sample_file_size", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("jpeg_url", ""), el.attribute("jpeg_width", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("jpeg_height", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("jpeg_file_size", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("rating", ""), el.attribute("has_children", "").toInt(), el.attribute("parent_id", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("status", ""), el.attribute("width", "-1").toInt(), el.attribute("height", "-1").toInt(), toBool(el.attribute("is_held")), el.attribute("frames_pending_string", ""), el.attribute("frames_string") )); x++; el = root.elementsByTagName("post").at(x).toElement(); } qDebug() << "KonaSearch: Search finished!"; searchIsDone = true; emit searchFinished(this); } else { qDebug() << "KonaSearch: ERROR: " << "Received HTTP error code: " << statusCode; emit searchFailed(this, ERROR_SEARCH_HTTP); } } void KonaSearch::responseHeaderReceived(QHttpResponseHeader resp) { statusCode = resp.statusCode(); }