#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include #include "konapreviewimageview.h" #include /* NOTE #1: round results to get correct page maximum TODO: Too much to list here. */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); bottomPage = 1; insertAtBeginning = false; kc = new KonaClient(QDir::tempPath() + "/KonaClient", "/home/markus/Bilder/KonaChan/Cache", "/home/markus/Bilder/KonaChan/Archive"); flowLayout = new FlowLayout; ui->listLayout->addLayout(flowLayout); connect(ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onScroll(int))); search = new KonaSearch(kc, ui->txtSearch->text().toStdString().data(), 1); if (search->isDone()) searchFinished(search); else connect(search, SIGNAL(searchFinished(KonaSearch*)), this, SLOT(searchFinished(KonaSearch*))); tags = new KonaTags(kc, "", RELATED_TAGS_AMOUNT); if (tags->isDone()) tagsFinished(tags); else connect(tags, SIGNAL(searchFinished(KonaTags*)), this, SLOT(tagsFinished(KonaTags*))); relatedTags = new KonaRelatedTags(kc, "", ""); connect(relatedTags, SIGNAL(searchFinished(KonaRelatedTags*)), this, SLOT(relatedTagsFinished(KonaRelatedTags*))); imageViewer = new ImageViewer(this); connect(imageViewer, SIGNAL(loadNext()), this, SLOT(jumpNext())); connect(imageViewer, SIGNAL(loadPrev()), this, SLOT(jumpPrev())); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { //search->deleteLater(); //kc->deleteLater(); delete ui; } void MainWindow::jumpPrev() { QList kpiv = findChildren(); int x; for (x=0; x < kpiv.count(); x++) { if (x == 0) { qDebug() << "MainWindow: RELOAD <"; ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(1); ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(0); } if (x < 1) { // Make sure we don't try to load non existent images qDebug() << "WARN! MainWindow: NOT LOADED YET OR END OF LIST"; } else if (kpiv.at(x)->getKonaImage()->getId() == imageViewer->getCurrentId()) { qDebug() << "JUMP"; showImage(kpiv.at(x-1)->getKonaImage()); break; } } if (x == kpiv.count()) showImage(kpiv.at(0)->getKonaImage()); } void MainWindow::jumpNext() { QList kpiv = findChildren(); int x; for (x=0; x < kpiv.count(); x++) { // Loop through curerntly available images if (x + 1 + PRELOAD_AMOUNT == kpiv.count()) { qDebug() << "MainWindow: RELOAD >"; ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()); } if (x + 1 >= kpiv.count()) { // Make sure we don't try to load non existent images qDebug() << "WARN! MainWindow: NOT LOADED YET OR END OF LIST"; } else if (kpiv.at(x)->getKonaImage()->getId() == imageViewer->getCurrentId()) { showImage(kpiv.at(x+1)->getKonaImage()); break; } } if (x == kpiv.count()) showImage(kpiv.at(0)->getKonaImage()); } void MainWindow::onScroll(int value) { if (!search->isDone()) return; // Wait for current search to finish if (ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->maximum() <= 0) return; if ((value/ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->maximum())) { // hit lower end if (bottomPage <= ui->pageJumpNum->maximum()) { // TODO: might be wrong //ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(1); //allow user to continue scrolling up insertAtBeginning = false; search->newSearch(currentSearch.toStdString().data(), ++bottomPage); } } else if (((float) value/ (float)ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()) == 0){ // hit upper end if (upperPage > 1) {// TODO: Sort the other way round on receive insertAtBeginning=true; search->newSearch(currentSearch.toStdString().data(), --upperPage); } } } void MainWindow::jumpToPage() { insertAtBeginning = false; ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(1); upperPage = ui->pageJumpNum->value(); bottomPage = ui->pageJumpNum->value(); clearList(); search->newSearch(currentSearch.toStdString().data(), ui->pageJumpNum->value()); } void MainWindow::searchPools() { qDebug() << "POOLS not implemented yet!"; } void MainWindow::searchPosts() { insertAtBeginning=false; ui->scrollList->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(0); ui->btnJump->setEnabled(false); upperPage = 1; bottomPage = 1; clearList(); currentSearch = ui->txtSearch->text(); search->newSearch(currentSearch.toStdString().data(), 1); if (ui->txtSearch->text() == "") { tags->newSearch(currentSearch); } else { relatedTags->newSearch(currentSearch); } } void MainWindow::searchFinished(KonaSearch *ks) { ui->btnJump->setEnabled(true); ui->pageJumpNum->setMaximum(ks->getTotalImages() / ITEMS_PER_SEARCH); // TODO: ROUND to get correct values (NOTE #1) ui->statusBar->showMessage("Search returned " + QString::number(ks->getTotalImages()) + " results."); for (int x=0; x < ks->getImages().count(); x++) { // Get the KonaImage KonaImage *ki = ks->getImages().at(x); // Check whether it already exists (shouldn't be possible but who knows...) QList elEx = findChildren(QString::number(ki->getId())); if (elEx.count() > 0) { qDebug() << "Main: searchFinished: Item already existed: " << ki->getId(); } else { // Add new frame to list KonaPreviewImageView *temp = new KonaPreviewImageView(); temp->setObjectName(QString::number(ki->getId())); if (insertAtBeginning) { flowLayout->insertWidgetAt(temp, 0); // Add @ beginning } else { flowLayout->addWidget(temp); // Add @ end } // Grab the new handle KonaPreviewImageView* kpiv = findChild(QString::number(ki->getId())); // Update image connect(ki, SIGNAL(previewDownloaded(KonaImage*,QString)), kpiv, SLOT(previewDownloaded(KonaImage*,QString))); connect(kpiv, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(KonaImage*)), this, SLOT(downloadImage(KonaImage*))); connect(kpiv, SIGNAL(imageClicked(KonaImage*)), this, SLOT(showImage(KonaImage*))); kpiv->setCaption("Download @ " + QString::number(ki->getWidth()) + " x " + QString::number(ki->getHeight())); //temp ki->DownloadPreview(); //Download! } } } void MainWindow::showImage(KonaImage *Ki) { qDebug() << "MainWindow: SHOW " << Ki->getId(); imageViewer->showLoading(); connect(Ki, SIGNAL(imageDownloaded(KonaImage*,QString)), imageViewer, SLOT(setImage(KonaImage*))); Ki->DownloadImage(); if (!imageViewer->isVisible()) { imageViewer->show(); } // PRELOADING (not clean but functional) QList kpiv = findChildren(); int x; for (x=0; x < kpiv.count(); x++) { if (x < 1) { // Make sure we don't try to load non existent images } else if (kpiv.at(x)->getKonaImage()->getId() == Ki->getId()) { // Preloading int y; for (y=0; y < PRELOAD_AMOUNT; y++) { // TODO: Add preload limit to appconfig if (x+1+y < kpiv.count()) { qDebug() << "MainWindow: Will preload image " << kpiv.at(x+1+y)->getKonaImage()->getId(); //downloadImage(kpiv.at(x+1+y)->getKonaImage(), false); connect(kpiv.at(x+y)->getKonaImage(), SIGNAL(imageDownloaded(KonaImage*,QString)), kpiv.at(x+1+y)->getKonaImage(), SLOT(DownloadImage())); } } break; } } } void MainWindow::downloadImage(KonaImage *Ki) { qDebug() << "MainWindow: downloadImage " + Ki->getId(); qDebug() << "MainWindow: downloadImage: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECTAED AND WILL BE REMOVED!"; downloadImage(Ki, true); } void MainWindow::downloadImage(KonaImage *Ki, bool overwrite) { qDebug() << "DOWNLOAD " << Ki->getId(); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Downloading image " + QString::number(Ki->getId()) + "..."); Ki->DownloadImage(overwrite); // TODO: Do we want to have true here? } void MainWindow::tagClicked(QString link) { QStringList temp = link.split("?"); if (temp.at(0) == "srcTag") { ui->txtSearch->setText(temp.at(1)); searchPosts(); // TODO: later it needs to support pools! } else if (temp.at(0) == "addTag") { if (ui->txtSearch->text().toLower().indexOf(temp.at(1).toLower()) == -1) { ui->txtSearch->setText(ui->txtSearch->text() + " " + temp.at(1)); searchPosts(); // TODO: support pools } } } void MainWindow::tagsFinished(KonaTags *kt) { QString out; for (int x=0; x < kt->getTags().count(); x++) { KonaTag *tag = kt->getTags().at(x); out.append("+" + tag->getName() + " (" + QString::number(tag->getCount()) + ")
"); } ui->lblTags->setText(out); } void MainWindow::relatedTagsFinished(KonaRelatedTags *krt) //TODO: Merge with tagsFinished() { QString out; for (int x=0; x < krt->getTags().count(); x++) { KonaTag *tag = krt->getTags().at(x); out.append("+" + tag->getName() + " (" + QString::number(tag->getCount()) + ")
"); } ui->lblTags->setText(out); } void MainWindow::clearList() { QLayoutItem* item; while ( ( item = flowLayout->takeAt( 0 ) ) != NULL ) { delete item->widget(); delete item; } }