2016-02-16 08:25:23 +01:00
2016-02-19 11:53:31 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
2016-02-19 14:20:06 +01:00
Just some random FPGA board designed as a handheld gaming console. Features an LFXP2-5E FPGA along with an STM32F4 microcontroller, some RAM, a big display and some buttons.
626 KiB
KiCad Layout 84%
KiCad Schematic 16%