
Simple scripts to ease the daily life with Linux <3.

Scripts to forward an Ethernet interface (in Linux) over TCP and / or UART.

Updated 2023-08-25 15:33:24 +02:00

Configuration files I use for various programs

Updated 2022-06-07 10:29:32 +02:00

Scripts to help me perform my backups to Ultrium LTO tapes.

Updated 2022-03-24 12:11:43 +01:00

Personal bashrc file

Updated 2022-01-05 09:15:30 +01:00

Small scripts to make your Penguin more comfy :)

Updated 2021-10-17 13:42:01 +02:00

Small scripts and code snippets to be bound to keyboard shortcuts.

Updated 2020-03-24 11:50:47 +01:00

A custom dvorak keyboard layout for Linux (with Gnome 3) which uses the <>| key on German keyboards to type umlauts with the US Dvorak layout.

Updated 2018-01-14 14:29:59 +01:00

Some additional desktop files and startup scripts for various programs.

Updated 2017-03-29 16:53:24 +02:00

A simple script to convert a music archive full of FLACs to ogg.

Updated 2016-07-18 20:00:39 +02:00

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