Remaining space check may be incorrect #1

opened 2022-03-24 11:18:48 +01:00 by markus · 0 comments
[I] Attempting to backup A
[I] Appending A to tape (76779 MB, 800226 MB available)
0+1679066 records in
0+1679066 records out
86359920640 bytes (86 GB, 80 GiB) copied, 1094.29 s, 78.9 MB/s

[I] Attempting to backup B
[I] Appending B to tape (55833 MB, 718338 MB available)
0+1243737 records in
0+1243737 records out
64019947520 bytes (64 GB, 60 GiB) copied, 816.335 s, 78.4 MB/s

[I] Attempting to backup C
[I] Appending C to tape (62474 MB, 657657 MB available)
``` [I] Attempting to backup A [I] Appending A to tape (76779 MB, 800226 MB available) [...] 0+1679066 records in 0+1679066 records out 86359920640 bytes (86 GB, 80 GiB) copied, 1094.29 s, 78.9 MB/s [I] Attempting to backup B [I] Appending B to tape (55833 MB, 718338 MB available) [...] 0+1243737 records in 0+1243737 records out 64019947520 bytes (64 GB, 60 GiB) copied, 816.335 s, 78.4 MB/s [I] Attempting to backup C [I] Appending C to tape (62474 MB, 657657 MB available) ```
markus changed title from Remaining space may be incorrect to Remaining space check may be incorrect 2022-03-24 11:19:06 +01:00
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Reference: scripts/lto-scripts#1
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