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2022-11-01 16:23:27 +01:00
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- TRASHERNET - A Trashy Ethernet Stack for FPGAs --
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- trashernet_icmp.vhd : Ethernet OSI Layer 3, Network (ICMP)
-- Implements ICMP echo replies
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Author : Markus Koch <>
-- Contributors : None
-- License : Mozilla Public License (MPL) Version 2
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.trashernet_pkg.all;
entity trashernet_icmp is
-- Global
clk : in std_logic; -- Global clock
rst : in std_logic; -- Asynchronous reset
-- IPv4 application interface
ipv4_protocol_out : in ipv4_protocol_out_t; -- IPv4 Protocol IF (out from IP Mux)
ipv4_protocol_in : out ipv4_protocol_in_t -- IPv4 Protocol IF (into IP Mux)
end entity trashernet_icmp;
architecture rtl of trashernet_icmp is
signal fifo_clear : std_logic;
signal fifo_data_in : std_logic_vector(byte'range);
signal fifo_push : std_logic;
signal fifo_full : std_logic; -- TODO: FIFO full error handling
signal fifo_data_out : std_logic_vector(fifo_data_in'range);
signal fifo_pop : std_logic;
signal fifo_empty : std_logic;
signal tx_response : std_logic;
signal rx_checksum : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
fifo_inst : entity work.fifo
generic map(
DEPTH => 64
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
clear => fifo_clear,
data_in => fifo_data_in,
push => fifo_push,
full => fifo_full,
data_out => fifo_data_out,
pop => fifo_pop,
empty => fifo_empty
rx : block
signal sr : byte_vector(0 to 3);
alias sr_type is sr(0);
alias sr_code is sr(1);
alias sr_checksum is sr(2 to 3);
type state_t is (HEADER, DATA, IGNORE);
signal state : state_t;
signal byte_count : integer range 0 to sr'length;
rx_fsm : process(clk, rst) is
if rst then
state <= HEADER;
byte_count <= byte_count'subtype'high;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if (ipv4_protocol_out.rx_data_valid = '1') and (byte_count /= 0) then
byte_count <= byte_count - 1;
if state = HEADER then
sr <= sr(sr'low + 1 to sr'high) & ipv4_protocol_out.rx_data;
end if;
end if;
if ipv4_protocol_out.rx_header_rcv then
byte_count <= byte_count'subtype'high;
state <= HEADER;
end if;
case state is
when HEADER =>
if byte_count = 0 then
if sr_type = x"08" then
state <= DATA;
state <= IGNORE;
end if;
end if;
when DATA =>
null; -- We just wait here and collect data
when IGNORE => -- Just wait until it's over
end case;
end if;
end process rx_fsm;
fifo_clear <= ipv4_protocol_out.rx_header_rcv; -- TODO: This will break things when we get another Ping too soon
fifo_push <= ipv4_protocol_out.rx_data_valid when state = DATA else '0';
fifo_data_in <= ipv4_protocol_out.rx_data;
tx_response <= ipv4_protocol_out.rx_ok_stb when state = DATA else '0';
rx_checksum <= sr_checksum(2) & sr_checksum(3);
end block rx;
tx : block
signal checksum : unsigned(16 downto 0);
signal checksum_ones : unsigned(15 downto 0);
type state_t is (IDLE, HEADER, PAYLOAD);
signal state : state_t;
signal sr : byte_vector(0 to 3);
signal byte_count : integer range 0 to sr'subtype'high;
checksum <= ('0' & not (unsigned(rx_checksum))) - unsigned'('0' & x"0800"); -- The only change is Type 8 changes to Type 0
checksum_ones <= not (checksum(15 downto 0) - checksum(16));
tx_fsm : process(clk, rst) is
if rst then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if (ipv4_protocol_out.tx_data_ack = '1') and (byte_count /= 0) then
sr <= sr(sr'low + 1 to sr'high) & x"00";
byte_count <= byte_count - 1;
end if;
case state is
when IDLE =>
if tx_response then
ipv4_protocol_in.tx_ip_address <= ipv4_protocol_out.rx_ip_address; -- TODO: This is technically too late, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ipv4_protocol_in.tx_length <= ipv4_protocol_out.rx_length;
sr <= byte_vector'(
std_logic_vector(checksum_ones(15 downto 8)),
std_logic_vector(checksum_ones(7 downto 0))
byte_count <= sr'subtype'high;
state <= HEADER;
end if;
when HEADER =>
if (byte_count = 0) and (ipv4_protocol_out.tx_data_ack = '1') then
state <= PAYLOAD;
end if;
when PAYLOAD =>
if fifo_empty then
state <= IDLE;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process tx_fsm;
fifo_pop <= ipv4_protocol_out.tx_data_ack when state = PAYLOAD else '0';
ipv4_protocol_in.tx_en <= '1' when (state = HEADER) or (state = PAYLOAD) else '0';
ipv4_protocol_in.tx_data <= sr(sr'low) when state = HEADER else fifo_data_out;
end block tx;
end architecture rtl;