Markus Koch 2021-09-26 18:21:49 +02:00
parent 18b4213ed0
commit 723de2b36c
2 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ begin
phy_in.tx_data_en <= '1' when tx_state /= IDLE else '0';
crc_clear <= '1' when tx_state = HEADER else '0';
phy_in.tx_data <= sr(sr'low);
mac_out.tx_active <= phy_out.tx_active;
end block tx;
end architecture rtl;

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@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ package trashernet_pkg is
-- IP specific types
subtype ip_addr_t is byte_vector(0 to 3);
-- Configuration interface
type configuration_t is record
mac_address : mac_addr_t; -- MAC address of this node
end record configuration_t;
-- PHY interface
type phy_in_t is record
tx_data : byte; -- TX Data
@ -59,11 +64,41 @@ package trashernet_pkg is
rx_mac_data : byte; -- Ethernet data (after Ethertype)
rx_mac_valid : std_logic; -- `rx_mac` values (headers + data) are valid
tx_mac_data_ack : std_logic; -- The byte on `tx_mac_data` has been latched. Update to next word.
tx_active : std_logic; -- Transmission in progress
rx_mac_crc_ok : std_logic; -- End of packet, CRC OK (strobe independent from other rx_mac fields)
rx_mac_crc_error : std_logic; -- End of packet, CRC invalid
end record mac_out_t;
-- MAC ETH interface
type ethernet_ii_protocol_t is record
ethertype : ethertype_t;
end record;
type ethernet_ii_protocol_vector is array (natural range <>) of ethernet_ii_protocol_t;
constant ETHERNET_II_PROTOCOLS_NONE : ethernet_ii_protocol_vector(0 to -1) := (others => (ethertype => (x"00", x"00"))); -- NULL range
type ethernet_i_out_t is record
tbd : std_logic; -- TODO
end record;
type ethernet_i_in_t is record
tbd : std_logic; -- TODO
end record;
constant ETHERNET_I_IN_UNUSED : ethernet_i_in_t := (others => '0'); -- TODO
type ethernet_ii_out_t is record
rx_mac_address : mac_addr_t; -- Source MAC address
rx_data : byte; -- RX data
rx_data_valid : std_logic; -- RX data valid strobe
tx_data_ack : std_logic; -- Give next data byte or disable `tx_en`
end record;
type ethernet_ii_in_t is record
tx_mac_address : mac_addr_t; -- Destination MAC address
tx_data : byte; -- TX data
tx_en : std_logic; -- Start and continue transmitting
end record;
type ethernet_ii_out_vector is array (natural range <>) of ethernet_ii_out_t;
type ethernet_ii_in_vector is array (natural range <>) of ethernet_ii_in_t;
constant ETHERNET_II_IN_UNUSED : ethernet_ii_in_t := (tx_mac_address => (others => x"00"), tx_data => x"00", others => '0');
end package trashernet_pkg;
package body trashernet_pkg is